He's into...weird things... (140)

40 Name: zhouwuatsien-aimmsny!qZFKl2dobU : 2007-05-29 14:58 ID:QLELUozb

No matter who you end up, they'll always have secrets. There's a good chance that he just became creepier just because you saw him that way. When someone is treated wrongly a lot of times they'll just play the part. Villains become villains and heroes become heroes just because people expect them to be.

Sometimes you can change horrible people into the people they were meant to be, when you treat them correctly.

The violent shota loli rape thing. It's definitely a part of fantasy. And fantasy always finds a way to surface. Downloading hentai is not all it will do. However. No one's perfect.


I'm sure you've got some sick things in your head. Maybe not sexual, but sick. It may not even be something you notice, it's so habitual. One day it will surface or someone will spot it.

Will they stay with you?

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