My tale of sorrow (108)

1 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-18 19:18 ID:6+wFbaQ2

Fellow brothers and sisters of the Love & Romance board, please read my tale of my first ever adventure in love. I’m 17, geeky-stereotyped, but really a normal and interesting guy. I still collect LEGO toys, but only those really cool mechs. I love building Gundam model kits, Perfect Grade is pretty challenging but exciting, knowing you’re at the highest level. You can call me a mecha-otaku if you’d like. I’m located in the UK.

The shining star of this story is my first love. She was in the US, Oregon. These events all happened in the casual “game/forum” GaiaOnline.

It all started that fateful day…I don’t remember the real date, but I think it was 16th April. I was bored during those hours, so I decided to look around people’s profiles. I looked at this rather amusing player, going along the lines of “Straw Hat Luffy” from my favourite anime One Piece. Intrested in the idea, I found a picture of his “crew” that each character image was linked to the player’s personal profile. The order was in the same order as when the crewmate joined the Straw Hat Pirates, and I opened them all in the same order in Firefox’s tabs.

Tab 1. Rorouna Zoro (Not sure about the spelling). Intesting guy, he managed to capture the 3 sword style the actual character has. Tab 2. Nami. This was one of the more intresting characters, because she managed to collect ALL of the clothes the real character had, and mentioned which arc of One Piece was the clothes shown in. Tab 3. Usopp. The character was captured perfectly, except for his long nose… Tab 4. Sanji. Perfect use of the emo haircut, and the shirt, tie and pants were the exact same ones! Tab 5. Dr. Chopper. This guy tried his best, but couldn’t make the cute furry character in the game. Tab 6. The profile was amazingly designed, and pretty funny too (“I wish I was a monkey, so throwing poop at people would be legal.”). She was Nico Robin. I saw the little image near the corner saying “Proud to be a [religion censored in order to prevent fights] girl.”

A silly smile took over my face. I clicked the insert comment link, and typed:
“You’re a [religion censored in order to prevent fights] too? You love One Piece too? So do I!”

Later in the same week, she PMed (Private Message) me telling me about updates on her profile. I would always check them out and enjoy. We only had a weak bond, stronger than strangers, but weaker than friends. 20th April (I think.) came upon us, and she told me about some guy who kept pestering her. I helped her out of it, by telling him off and showing how to stop him from messaging her again. The following day, the “results” came. She asked me what age I was, and she told me she was 16. I replied saying I was 17, and the next few weeks we spent talking about our families, and other things like that. We were no more than mere friends. Trading emails and revealing our true names, I was happy. I asked her in one of the emails for her photo, and she asked (and received) for mine first. When her photo did show up, god, she was amazingly attractive. I think I fell in love at that moment…

2 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-18 19:19 ID:6+wFbaQ2

12th May. Oh, how this day was so memorable. A PM arrived in my inbox from Nico Robin. She said a word in one of her fluent languages. I put it into a online translator, and it meant “Love”. I didn’t understand, so I said it meant that to her, and she said “that’s right…”

The following day, my friend finally came online. I asked him what it meant, because he was fluent in the language as well. He said it meant “I love you.”. Knowing this, I hurriedly went onto GaiaOnline and said to her that I loved her too. When she replied the following day, she wanted to hold me in her arms, go to my home country (because I was returning there in the summer) so badly! I felt so spoilt, I said “That’s not fair, I wanted to say that before you!” (Yes, really cheesy Densha Otoko quote. I was watching the series at the time.). A reply came saying she couldn’t imagine those feelings with the picture I sent her. Therefore, I sent her two more pictures of me, smiling.

On Sunday the 20th of May, I tried calling her for the first time. It was voicemail, so I just kept calling just to listen to her voice. I said it was me, [GaiaOnline Username]. That night, she was saying “You’re not 17! You sound way older!” in a tickled way. Unfortunately, my family was at a restaurant and they discovered about her. The war that my parents wanted me to stop communicating with her began.

26th May, the first call. My family had guests at the house. I tried calling her through my brother’s phone, and it was voicemail AGAIN. A few minutes later, a man called my brother’s number about the voicemail. I was going “What the fuck!” in my mind. Nico Robin was online on GaiaOnline, and said it was her friend’s brother, and we laughed. Then she called my brother’s number, and we were so happy. I asked her for more pictures of her, because I felt that it wasn’t fair for me to send pictures of myself when she only sent me one. Nico Robin said it was because her camera charger died, and got a new one, so she could send me one. During this time, I had secretly told some people that I was meeting her online.

The first challenge of love came to me on the 29th. Nico Robin said she went to an all-girls meeting with a religious leader. She said that the leader was sad that more than half the girls who attended met more than one man online. Nico Robin didn’t say she met one, and didn’t sleep that night because of that shameful (she believed) event. The PM I got when she told me this, had things that scared me like “I can’t send you any more pictures of myself, nor talk to you on the phone. I know I don’t want to do this, but I need to so I can be a stronger [religion censored in order to prevent fights].” I showed this message to everybody I told about her. I replied to her saying that I was going to say it before, but I was afraid to break her heart. She was happy I understood, and I said we could still be just friends on GaiaOnline. Later we acted it was nothing, because we just couldn’t stay away from each other. I later told her about her being my first love, and was quite delighted. Nico Robin later told me about this guy called Alex that wanted to “talk to her privately in the bathroom.” She telling me she was loved by the entire school, I seemed to have “strung a whopper” in the sea of humanity that was dark, untrustable and void-like.

3 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-18 19:19 ID:6+wFbaQ2

6th June. Hey, we’re finally near the end. I was banned from GaiaOnline under accusation of botting (illegally getting gold). Continued with a different account, that I still use until now. When I was banned, I explained to her (using that new account) that I wanted to swap to email because my PM boxes was getting full from her messages that I, in my heart, felt were blessings.

I tried calling her for using my new personal mobile. I made fake voices because she warned me of the other people in her house that could pick up. Nico Robin was amazed at the voices I pulled, and I managed to call her on the 8th. I finished all of my £10.00 credit for those meaningful 15 minutes. 55p/m! Guess that’s the cost of love.

On the 15th, I bought a phonecard and asked to be ready to pick up the phone the following day. Nico Robin said “What should I do about what my sister told me? [Not to talk to me]”. I asked her to tell me her true, hearfelt feelings. Whether she truly loved me, or wanted it to be over. She replied that she does love me, and I never called her though.

18th June. This is probably the day I would mourn every year. I was at school, and using the computers. I checked my email, and a email titled “FINAL” from Nico Robin came. My fingers shivered as I moved the mouse to click it.

She put a similar message as the first challenge, but included that she was sinning talking to me. She forced me to not reply to that email, and my eyes watered, and wanted to cry at that moment. My studies and behaviour today was critically affected by that. That’s why, we’re gathered here today.

I don’t think I should be in love ever again, I knew I was never built for it. I want to die single now. The story isn’t everything that happened, but just the important parts. I didn’t mention everything because I typed this when I was offline, and pasted it into 4-ch later. Being offline meant I couldn’t get the real messages. When I came back home today, I was only injured in my heart but my feelings weren’t intense as when I read the final email. I’m not trying to be Densha Otoko, but only want to know what you guys think of what I’ve done. There’s nothing I look forward to anymore, and now I’m back in the state of not wanting to live, because of the pains of the world, but not wanting to die either because of the punishment in hell.

Love is a strange thing. People brag about it in my home country as if it’s a horse race.

Do you think I did well for a first love?

It’s not like I could meet her in person, actually.

All that’s left of her is her image…phone number in my phone…email address in my email… emails…Private Messages, locked in my banned GaiaOnline account and the one I’m using now…and my ravaged heart she tore.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 19:27 ID:Heaven

People who play gaia are not interesting.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 19:27 ID:Heaven

People who play gaia are not interesting.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 19:39 ID:teCh5V8L

A /b/tard from 4chan would say gaia fag now xD
Well even if she said its over, dont give her up if you really love her. I mean thats so retarded to quit a relationship just because of religion. I would keep calling her or writing emails...
If she really love you she will respond.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 19:52 ID:Heaven

I'm sorry to hear that sad history, and the solution to it isn't easy, but you must forget her.

Girls are usually bad, at least the ones I met. Seems that they can stop loving in one second and leave us suffering.

You don't want to love anyone anymore, I know that feeling. Don't force yourself to meet another girl and use her to stop your sadness.

Probably you will find another girl, not right now, but in the future, the thing you mustn't do is idealize her.

Good luck OP. :)

8 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-18 20:02 ID:6+wFbaQ2

She's blocking me from any form of communication, except phone calls...She knows when it's me, so when I do call her she would put the phone down. That means I can only listen to her voice...

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 20:10 ID:teCh5V8L

umm what kind of religion is it?

10 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-18 20:18 ID:6+wFbaQ2

She's been raised in it strictly, whilst I've been only raised lightly. Different leaders of the religion have different views, so what she's been told is "meeting online people is forbidden". My religious leader never mentioned a thing about meeting people.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 20:23 ID:teCh5V8L

Ehehe sorry but that girl is retarded ^^'
Was she brainwashed or something like that?
I mean, cmon whats so bad in "meeting online people"?

12 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-18 20:28 ID:6+wFbaQ2

I see no evil in it either. I'm starting to think she was brainwashed as well... Here's her last message to me.

"[my name]. i cant talk on the phone or chat with u anymore. i have to block any messages u send me, and i have to try really hard this time to do the right thing. we're [religion censored to prevent fights] and we're still young, and i feel that if i keep going on like this, im never gonna get anywhere in my life. i really care about u, but we're young, [my name]. i juss cant. not anymore. so plz, just dont repy to this message.when we talk on the phone, i feel so happy, even tho im supposed to feel the opposite. im making so many sins not juss for myself, but for u also, and i want both of us to be safe.juss let it go, even its really hard. i know that i have to have a looot of courage for this, but i want to be a good [religion censored to prevent fights]. im gonna be really sad, like i lost everything in my entire life. but i'll try again and again, until i get somwhere.this is for both of us. for the better. please understand.

p.s. dont reply, please."

I think her sister did it. She said that her computer was moved into her sister's room after her dad caught her on the computer at around 1am or so. How can beauty and computer addiction mix?

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 20:37 ID:teCh5V8L

I know many ppl who are beauty and pc addicted, its a common thing nowadays^^.
But well its up to you what you will do. If you give her up you will probably regret it. You got nothing to lose anyway. So keep trying. Call her, write her again. Just be patient^^

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 20:51 ID:JpsgJbjt

Awww. Sorry to hear you went through that. Don't worry! You will love again. First loves don't always work out-- they're why they're first loves, y'know?

The same thing happened to me years ago. I met a guy online and we were becoming good friends. I was starting to like him, and the one day he leaves me an email saying he couldn't talk to me ever again. I was really sad about it then, but now I look back at it and laugh. Life goes on.

You'll be okay. You'll find someone again who won't leave you become some religion says the way you've met is forbidden. Don't dwell too long over her. Bad feelings will eat you up.

15 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-18 21:14 ID:6+wFbaQ2

Well, in my home country, people who know computers on a average level (like what normal people in the UK and US know about computers) are automatically dubbed geeks/nerds. The beautiful ones know they're beautiful and abuse it by being the ones that dub people.

I just hope I can actually see her. Actually, that's all I wish for.

16 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-06-18 21:19 ID:Sf7qVxGm

Love One Piece. This story is not very interesting as yet; technique of dating various entries helps to create flow, but many of events not very well connected. Reader left guessing at purpose of events in whole story too often. Not very consistent, you need editing. For example the 'war of your parents on me communicating her' barely receive followup later. Better to leave it out then. Furthermore [religion censored to prevent fights] is just plain annoying, although it does add mystery.

In the chance event that there is truth about your story, obviously, it is never sinful to talk. You can stand firm by that. Making vain promises is entirely different of course.

Also if you expect any sensible advice, you gonna drop the shroud of that religion of hers (and yours too?) because it make difference if confession is, say, muslim or christian.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 21:48 ID:kRlxMWiA

She's right. Religon probably does matter. If she's muslim, I can probably see why her religion could ban talking to you(Although thats only for the radical side of the religion.)

But still, Banning an internet relationship based on religion is going way beyond it. No religion should ban an internet relationship unless they are already banning a real life relationship. The people are sadly probably using the religion as an excuse to step inbetween you two. Which only gives the religion a bad name which is doesn't deserve.

18 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-19 13:38 ID:IusVfpXq


The entire story is true. I forgot to follow up on some things.


Gah, you guys found out our religion. Islam. Islam does not have anything about talking to girls in a friendly way, but promotes peaceful things like that. We've already been banned from the borders of country lines, why can't we continue?

I'm going to call her later just to listen to her voice. Do you want me to list the conversation?

19 Name: Spock : 2007-06-19 14:19 ID:SL5gIx8q

OP, I know how you feel.
The girl that I like is very religious. However, I'm lucky in that she has still decided to give me that chance where as you do not have that.

Now my personal recommendation would to be to try to contact her parents and show them that you are a good person. Having her parents love you is almost as important as having the girl love you.

also from your post in >>18, it sound like you are both Islamic? If this is the case make sure to point that out.

By best wishes~ <3

20 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-19 18:50 ID:WcnTC7zP


We're both islamic, but she takes it too strongly on a certain rule. I don't really think she looks deeper. Islam is all about peace, hence the name's definition in arabic. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) being the role model never mistreated anyone, but treated them all with love.

There should be no reason for her to suddenly forget me like that.

I wanted to call her today, but I came home late. During that time there would be her parents and they would be furious at her, and I don't want that.

I've always wanted a foreigner to love me. She was the first one, and I'm not going to let this pass easily. My father said that I should stay away from her, because he believes I'm handsome and I might get attention from the girls in my home country. I don't want those bitches! They won't even like me because of the damned stereotypes they leech off.

Nico Robin never knew about my geekyness. She thought I was normal, which I am. I wanted to tell her that I had childish intrests during the first call but she had to leave that moment...

My hands always tremble on the phone while calling and talking to her. I'm always so nervous I can't believe it, and she believe's I'm fine. I practically talk to nobody, and when I do have something to say, I'm not sure whether they would like to hear it, care about it or not.

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-19 20:20 ID:wUuvIJXO

Dude, for the sake of your own happiness, do yourself a favor and back off. I recommend meeting someone else and trying a different relationship, it will happen when you least expect it. But either way, the best course of action is to leave her alone, forgive me for being insulting but you're making yourself out to be a stalker here. Give her some space, if she truly cares about you she'll forget all the religious BS and try to contact you. She needs to make her own decisions here, let her. If she never talks to you again, accept that she was never the one in the first place and find happiness again when you're ready. I've had my heart broken too, btw, but once you find that special someone, like I have, you'll realize that all of this worry is just a waste of time. Good luck pal

22 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-19 20:46 ID:WcnTC7zP


That was kind of my plan in the first place. Leave her alone.

I will never be able to find a foreigner to love. I'm going back to my home country for good this summer, and nobody in the society knows about it. So it's practically just a place for the inhabitants, and they are really racist to foreign people. The inhabitants think they're so much like the western people it disgusts me, which is why I wish just to know a foreign girl. The further problem is that those girls may get into the gossip with the inhabitants and become just another gayshit.

I've got loads of MSN emails of girls from where I study, but I never got the guts to talk to them. Never knowing what to say, you see. I don't think I know anything about how girls think and what they like. When I was in my home country I only found out a girl's information from people who knew them, or was their friend.

Being online is the only place I can talk properly. I think too much and that makes my conversations odd.

Just not motivated to get into love again. I think I'll leave it until I'm older. Way older.

(Reminder: I'm 17.)

23 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-19 20:50 ID:WcnTC7zP

My long posts just goes to show you how much of a blabbermouth I am online. I'm dead silent in real life, nobody can hear me when I think I am speaking normally.

24 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-06-19 23:34 ID:Sf7qVxGm

coherence still a problem. try to take a pause to gather all thoughts, then phrase it all and knock FO out!

Anyway, you gonna indeed get into fights if you no careful with religion. In the west, peace is not at all a proper substitute for the word submission. Submission mean to give up freedom. People sometimes say that in the west, don't want to give up freedom but that is simply ignorant of our culture. Only, when giving up freedom to vague entity, then problems.
But you no ask Frigid Onanoko to exlain islam. Should not be doing so. But at any rate please no listen to nutty salafists or wahabists ok? When you go exploring religion, there will be people showing you the 'true path.' Then instead of just walking the path, test its truthfulness. At all times make sure you remain honest towards self and always ask questions. That way you can see if path actually take you to desirable destination.

Waah! why FO so patronizing today?? kid never asked for all this rambling of! sorrrryyyy!!!

Concerning the girl, it unfair of her to totally cut contact. If she want to cut you out of her life because she think she is violating some law important to her, she is acting according to her religion. were you to try and convince her to maintain contact, she maybe think you trying to lure her away from god. If you gonna accept her choice, then be a man about it.

25 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-20 05:32 ID:Vpq/frgD

I never tried to lure her away from anything. We kept talking about religion often.

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-20 08:10 ID:kRlxMWiA

Honestly, I say give it one last try. You don't wanna seem like a stalker, but at the same time, you just don't want to give up.

A suggestion. Try to not force a relationship of anything more than friends. What I mean is, You should make it clear you don't want her to break any rules she may think are part of the religon. Instead. You can focus on something like..."Since online relationships may cause you to sin, what if it becomes more than an online relationship."

But that only works if you are willing to move or meet her, and vice versa. You could just stay friends until that day as well.

sorry if you don't understand my suggestion that well. But yea. Don't give up without one last try!

27 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-20 10:31 ID:IusVfpXq


I can only call her. I'm going to try tommorow because I can't get my phone until the time her parents could pickup the phone.

28 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-21 06:11 ID:fw9E1v2i

Guys, what should I say?

29 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-21 19:01 ID:fw9E1v2i

Seriously. I don't know what to say to her to convice for us to be friends until we meet.

30 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-22 02:46 ID:IoqydXEs

dude, give it up. this is retarded. you can't have a relationship online, especially not with these circumstances. i know you find them distasteful, but try to have some "practice" relationships with the local girls until you can move your ass back to the civilized world on your own.

31 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-22 06:31 ID:fw9E1v2i

I know, I know. I guess this thread is over.

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-22 10:27 ID:kRlxMWiA

Honestly, you should give up without one last try. When/if you call, you should say what you feel and say what you plan to do. If she says no, then thats it. if not, good luck. but either way, you should say what you think and not what we tell you to say.(confused yet?)
AAnyways, don't consider it a failure without that last desperate try! You can even just remain friends at the very least.

I hate the idea of practice relationships. I mean, why get into a relationship if you have no intention of going any further than that? sex? Thats sad.

33 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-22 11:44 ID:5vl+Hcq/

Good luck OP-san. From what I gather you're a devoted and gentle guy. Lots of girls like that and even if it didn't work out with Robin, I'm pretty sure you'll meet other girls out there.

Please avoid online relationships. Most girls you meet online will lie about their age and are actually younger than what they say they are. It could be a possibility that using her religion as a reason is a bit out of hand even if it is Islamic. I think she's exaggerating the religious bit to get out of something she didn't intend to get so deep into.

She could also of sent you a picture that wasn't her. Robin may have put up so many lies that the prospect of meeting you in real life as growing nearer and nearer, that she became frightened to tell the truth.

It may be because of her religion and nationality, but Robin sounds over controlled by her parents. Girls who are around the age of 16 should have some degree of independence and it sounds like she doesn't. Again, I think she's younger than she says she is.

I say all these things because I'm experienced as a girl. I've also done these things to other guys online when I first started chatting and I feel guilty. I 'dated' a guy online when I was 12 and said I was 16. I barely remember him and I don't consider him my first boyfriend or anything.

OP-san, you will meet someone in real life. It will mean so much more and you will know that your feelings are sincere. Most online relationships are first experiences for people who have never dated.. and when they reflect back onto it, it would be just a passing fancy.

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-22 13:44 ID:bBp1yCye

to learn how to interact with different people. to understand how much simple things can vary from person to person. to learn what a relationship is, what it is not, and most importantly, how to identify when it is over. simply put, for the experience.

to call them "practice" relationships is perhaps a bit harsh and misleading, but i said that because OP already expressed that he currently has no real interest in the locals, so i thought that the idea of it being an experiment might take the edge off a bit. certainly, and relationship has the potential to progress, if all the pieces fit..

really, going any further than what? should every relationship be entered into with full hopes of love and marriage and children, or what?

35 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-22 21:00 ID:fw9E1v2i

I'd like you guys to think about this... On 15th July, Robin said that "we haven't been talking for 5 days now." Do you think that's one of the reasons she dropped me?


Thanks for telling me that. It's just what I look on the outside that drives people away from me...except that Robin somehow liked me. If I show someone this thread they would think me as more of a geek than before. Yeah, I have never dated. Not once have I been intrested in love, before.

Remember what I said in >>3? I said I would never date a girl, ever again. Most of the girls in the UK and US usually get a bad idea of Asians like me. They follow stereotypes and think of them as dumb kung-fushits. Same goes for the arabs (Robin was one, but she was unique.). The last choice is the Asians. Them mostly thinking they're so White, would dub me geek/nerd and spread that, and not going to let anybody fall in love with me. If they do they would be laughed at and sunk to the level they set me at. I'm not going through the trouble to find the exact girl for me.

This thread is over. Over. Dead. Let it rot. No more hopes in the world for me... My drawing hobby has gone down into a slump and I just can't think of anything to draw. My mind somehow got damaged and that last message was as if it never happened, like a every day thing.

36 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-22 21:06 ID:fw9E1v2i

Though I would like to archive it.

37 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-22 21:28 ID:kRlxMWiA

>>34 should every relationship be entered into with full hopes of love and marriage and children, or what?

Isn't that the whole point of dating and getting into a relationship? to find someone you connect to, someone you could call a wife/husband?

38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-22 23:45 ID:IoqydXEs

think of it this way: do you treat every job you have (especially while you're in school) as if it will be your career? no. you still want a career, eventually, but first you work a series of jobs. for the experience. you learn about different industries, types of businesses, types of coworkers, types of bosses, etc. you learn a lot by working low-level dead-end jobs- most importantly, what it means to work. now apply this same concept to the dating world. it isn't very romantic, but it is reality. how would you ever know who fits you well if you never even considered staying with anyone but the first person you found?

eventually, that is the point... but you need to learn how to do it first.

39 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-23 03:04 ID:ofqO9eK6

you lost my attention at "Gaia Online." :/

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-24 03:09 ID:kRlxMWiA

>>38I hate that way of thinking. People, relationships are different from a job and carrer. I treat them differently. And I will never treat them the same. When I find a girlfriend, It's a girl I'm interested in, a girl that I think may be the one. And unless she gives me a reason to not think that. She will infact be the one.

Practice relationships? Don't make me laugh. If thats how a relationship is supposed to work, if thats how you treat it, how everyone else treats it. If thats a unwritten rule. I'll just break that rule.

41 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-24 07:07 ID:Heaven

okay, but i don't care about you wanting to be silly and naive. bless your heart, be happy for all i care. but back in reality, people do need to learn how to interact through experience, and clinging to the first person you find and making it work no matter what does not equal happiness in the long run.

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-24 07:34 ID:kRlxMWiA

Ah, I rather live in my fantasy world then the world you describe any day of the week. I rather treat a relationship as a relationship instead of some practice run for when 'your ready to marry'

43 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-24 07:48 ID:JcqnapHA

I really think it depends on the age and experience you have before you start taking relationships seriously. It's most definite that when you enter a relationship passed the age of 25, you think that this person may potentially be your future husband/wife.

But for a high school crush, you don't think along that tangency. Even when high school relationships do work out and they end up marrying, it's not like they had entered the relationship and expected to get married. The biggest concern of h/s couples is just making it through.

Some people enter relationships on a moderate level of attraction. It really depends on the person. >>40 sounds like an idealist and a strong sense of moral. So he will truly value his relationships. Even so I think that if he were to start dating a girl, he cannot automatically think 'she is the one'. It's only till they have dated for a while and their attraction is reasonably strong, do they start thinking along these lines.

So there's always a 'dating' period before couples start taking their relationship seriously. You can call this the stage where you gain experience. It is like practicing but using the word 'practice' is just offensive to the romantics.

44 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-24 09:00 ID:uD7u23qP


YES! That's some information I can use to crush those stupid Grade 7s that are in love.

45 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-24 10:59 ID:JcqnapHA


Well I don't think you should take it that way either. We may see them as flimsy crushes and infatuations, but I also think that during those years... our 'love' for someone is pure even though it is superficial.

I mean you don't get the same feelings once you get older. It's a first experience. Seeing my crush in the hallway was enough to make my heart race and turn red from head to toe. That just doesn't happen any more y'know?

So I think love at that stage may not be real but it's pure because it's so innocent. We couldn't even imagine ourselves holding hands let alone kiss. Relationships just get complicated as we mature cause we demand more, know more and so we expect more.

I dunno how else to say but I don't think you can really compare love between 7th graders and love say between husband and wife. The 7th graders lack the deep commitment but love in marriage also lacks what the high school brats have.

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-24 11:00 ID:JcqnapHA

So don't trample on the kids. Let them have fun.

47 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-24 17:14 ID:uD7u23qP

It's not because of that, they think they're all that because they're in love. "Ooh, 'I don't mind sitting in the rain with you'" "Ooh, 'Dreaming of you awake or asleep'".

They follow the love in TV shows like That's so Raven and other disneyshit. That's the dumb part that annoys me.

48 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-25 06:45 ID:Heaven

> So don't trample on the kids. Let them have fun.

Preferably protected fun. There are enough teen mothers as it is.

49 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-25 11:16 ID:IusVfpXq

Well, it's been a week already with no contact from Nico Robin.

It's so dull now...and I'm not going to try romance again.

50 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-25 12:42 ID:bBp1yCye

you will heal, and eventually move on. i know you feel like no one has ever felt like you do, but i'm willing to be that most of have, even if the situations have been different.

51 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-25 16:28 ID:zDSZ+5Js

Part of the reason I want her to come back is because I just want to be her friend. Nothing wrong with that, I believe.

52 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-25 17:36 ID:8O6DoRgU

lolz gaiafags

53 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-25 17:43 ID:dHvyn0Cy

i'm sure you do, but you will find letting go to be an infinitely more difficult process if that were the case. perhaps in the future, you can reconnect as friends, but for now, it's better this way.

54 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-06-25 22:49 ID:Ep2NfY+N

>>51 apart from sulking, what constructive things have you done in that time that might have had any effect?

55 Name: First-Failute : 2007-06-26 13:36 ID:IusVfpXq




Effect on what? We traded pictures. She was the one who said "I love you" when I just wanted to be friends.

56 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-28 15:02 ID:vMfmn6bG

Big news! My friend who knows her as well got a private message from her saying that I was the only man in her life, and how she repented. Robin said she thought I was ignoring her... I always knew it might have been her sister that did that! I'm going to call her now...!

57 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-28 15:23 ID:kRlxMWiA

Woot! Go for it, glad to see it won't be a sad ending... And you better not mess up and make it that either.

58 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-28 16:03 ID:vMfmn6bG

Just called her... she acted like I was a complete stranger. I didn't tell her directly who I was but reminded her of some of the things related to me.

<Me> Hello, can I speak to [her name]?
<Other end(F)> Sure, just one moment.
<Me> Okay then.
<Other end(M)> Hello?
<Me> Uh... I'd like to speak to [her name]?
<Other end(M)> Okay, I can get her for you. Just tell me how you met her.
<Me> Uh...
<Other end(M)> How did you meet her?
<Me> From the school she goes to...?
<Other end(M)> What is your name?
<Me> Uh... [My Name]
<Other end> Okay, just one moment.
-some talking in the background, couldn't hear it-
<Nico Robin> Hello?
<Me> Yeah, hi.
<Nico Robin> Who are you?
<Me> Don't you remember...?
<Nico Robin> No.
<Me> Come on, you know me... Remember GaiaOnline?
<Nico Robin> Yeah... GaiaOnline? What about it?
<Me> ... Don't you remember? UK... England...
<Nico Robin> No, I don't know you!
<Me> ...
<Me> ... F... F...Forget it...
-ends call-

59 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-28 16:26 ID:kRlxMWiA

Now it seems like they are messing with you. Or atleast just her or something. Maybe it really is better to forget about her

60 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-28 18:14 ID:Heaven

Fail for GaiaOnline

61 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-28 18:29 ID:vMfmn6bG


I know.


Hey, fuck you.

62 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-28 21:02 ID:IoqydXEs

you need to let this go.

63 Post deleted by moderator.

64 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-28 23:38 ID:Sf7qVxGm

can you at least state what the hell it is you want to do?

else, hoax it up better

65 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-29 13:02 ID:IusVfpXq

Just to be friends with her...and not be pushed as just some ordinary guy.

Here's the conversation my friend had:

<Friend> it used to be [nickname] but i decied that to give myself some privacy i would make this account. Oh yea that reminds me [my name] said you and him have had some problems and advised me not to talk to you. Because he is my friend i wouldnt want to make him see me as a traitor so i would like you to explain the situation to me so i may fix it because i wouldnt like to ignore you either if you get what i mean. If the issue is too private then its ok you dont need to tell me ^,.,^

<Robin> well, [my name]'s the ONLY guy that meant everything to me...i juss got in on the wrong foot...and went too far. i wanted to be a better [religion censored] girl. i get what u mean. and i hope u understand that i dont wanna betray [my name]'s words to u, so i cant tell u everythin in detail. we both made a mistake, but [religious saying for god willing], i asked for repentance. i always cried non stop after i ended us. im still hurt. can u tell [my name] that i will never ever forget him? i feel that he doesnt like me anymore

<Friend> of course ill tell him. But it would be better if you didnt tell him about it. He will probably contact you again if you get what i mean, ill try and make everything ok again for all of us. ok!! as both your and [my name]'s brother in [religion] i think its my duty to make everthing ok for the [religious society] again, if you get what i mean [her name]

<Robin> ya i get u. thnx lots and lots [friend's name]. btw, r u from [my country] too?

<Friend> im sorry to say that im not from [my country], im from [friend's country] so im basicly an [friend's nationality], but i dont look it, i look like a proper white boy. lol, so where abouts are you from

<Robin> WOW! i have SO many [friend's nationality] friends. they;re awe some. my mom's [her mother's nationalities] and my dad is [her father's nationality]. he's [her father's nationality] lol. im just...both. icon_3nodding.gif so, [a sentence in a language my friend and her know]

Looks like I was subliminally dumped.

66 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-06-29 14:32 ID:Sf7qVxGm

for the sake of umma you better stop this nonsense now, kid.

67 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-29 15:06 ID:y4fPujeT

I know! I'm just telling you anything that has happened involving the relationship.

68 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-30 09:54 ID:F4c4iVUq

By the way. Her sister and Robin had the same voice when I called them once. So it's possible the real Robin used her sister's details. Then when I called her for the last time, maybe her sister picked it up and never knew me. So her real name may be completely different.

69 Name: First-Failure : 2007-06-30 09:57 ID:F4c4iVUq

Just checked my email, here's the message:

"look i can explain bout the call...

my dad picked it up (as u know) and he put it on loudspeaker so i can speak in fronna him. then i had to say "who r u" or "i don know u" so my dad wouldnt know who u were... im so sorry. but i told u not to call me anymore. that day i got grounded for the whole entire summer. from the internet. i told my dad that i registered for this product but i didnt know who u were. juss plz, understand?

  • why did u call?"

I said I called because I felt like it.

70 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 10:56 ID:IusVfpXq

Looks like you got her in trouble, man. You should have left her before.

71 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 14:26 ID:Heaven

move on, learn from this, and try to be a little less of a fucking retard

72 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 14:49 ID:QZ7YMq5x

This happened to me once too, the girl said not to call her home but she was still showing interest and for a while she didn't contact me so I got worried and called her home, and she got angry.

Turns out she was seeing me behind her husband's back.

73 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 14:52 ID:l9+ilRhi

oh god this is turning bad.make sure you are not in a love triangle or's not that i am flaming you,but if you are the 3rd party...well you are the one at fault.i think you should settle thsi as soon as possible before it gets tanggled up even worse

74 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 15:03 ID:Heaven

this is like.
the most dedicated troll ever.

75 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-02 16:12 ID:WJtHaKd8

>>74 I hardly think this classifies as a troll...

It sounds like it's over, over... And you're better off, I think, considering there was no way this was going to work, with her parents being very strictly religious and against this, and her apparently not willing to go against them at all, and wanting to be just as devoutly religious...

You had earlier mentioned your friend talking with her, and it seeming like she wanted to continue the relationship...

From the transcript of that talking, I hate to say it, but I saw nothing that indicated that she wanted any relations to continue, although she did still care about you...

I hate to say it, but I think in calling, you read too much into it, and she was definitely not wanting you to call any more...

Though I still wish you luck, and perhaps things will still somehow work out, I doubt they will, or should, go any further at the very least on your end, as her parents and her own devotion to their religion seem to be standing in your way, with none of them willing to give any ground on that topic...

76 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-03 06:32 ID:Sf7qVxGm

Its troll. you can tell by various

1) elaborate (but amateurish) use of storytelling techniques i.e. many cliffhangers, the 'He who must not be named' thing.

2) sloppy errors that not would happen if story were genuine. Look at >>65; no justification at all how op actually got that confidential script.

3) stretching.

77 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-03 23:28 ID:+TZRG6BT

How did the party go?
I'm so excited.

78 Name: First-Failure : 2007-07-04 09:49 ID:IusVfpXq


"move on, learn from this, and try to be a little less of a fucking retard" - That's more directed towards you.


It's fucking not troll.

1) I keep certain things secret for obvious reasons. Personal information!
2) My friend told me about that conversation, and then he forwarded it to me. I then edited it to be posted here.



79 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-08 17:46 ID:gZfTNt5U


It's too specific. Gaia online. One Piece. Finding Robin from her profile?? It sounds pretty legit to me.

80 Name: First-Failure : 2007-07-10 13:30 ID:Bqo6sUAn


I'm glad some people agree with me.

I talked to someone who knows my religion more than I do, and he said that if I started to develop feelings for her (which I did) it would be against my religion. That was a few weeks ago... and now I'm banned from GAIAONLINE again. It just helps me ignore her more, which I wanted to do in the first place.

81 Name: First-Failure : 2007-07-24 16:50 ID:0p5Oy9lZ

Time for my extravagant return.

I dropped Gaia because of that... then when I was bored the other day I wanted to see how it's going. I got banned again... but I just went to check my profile.

Robin said she misses me... So I emailed her yesterday. Now waiting for a reply...

82 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-24 20:30 ID:Heaven

>>81 keep waiting, one less hikkikomori in life.

83 Name: First-Failure : 2007-07-25 08:26 ID:kU6d56yK


Yep... What's a hikkihomori?

84 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-25 11:54 ID:WJtHaKd8

Now I think this is dumb, what you're doing here...

She already made it crystal clear that there's no chance for anything between you, because of the fact that she's devoted to her religion, and is unwilling to go against her parents over it... (Regardless of how blind & stupid I may think that is, that's another story)...

Now, it's been over, and just because she's sending "teasing" messages about "missing" you, you're starting this up again??

I'm not sure what you're hoping to gain here, by starting anything up...

She dropped you like a rock, regardless of the fact that her parents & religion controlled her into doing so...

Sounds like she's now playing a tease by e-mailing you back...

If she truly was into this "My parents & religion don't allow me to be with you", then she'd drop all contact with you... Instead, she's now sending e-mails saying she's "missing" you?? What is this, some game she's playing, where one minute, she's devout to her parents & religion, but the next, she can say how she misses you??!!

Even getting involved with this person again is asking for trouble, and you seem to be inviting angsty trouble by even being dumb enough to take her little bait & e-mail her back...

85 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-25 14:40 ID:vaeFTpyQ

Banned from Gaia did you say?

Let this be a sign of divine intervention.

86 Name: sage : 2007-07-25 14:44 ID:+aQUULPl

just give up monster-troll.
you are teh suck.

87 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-25 14:45 ID:Heaven

sage goes in link field lulz

88 Name: First-Failure : 2007-07-26 09:41 ID:kKq1SyTN


Shut the fuck up.

Since none of you guys aren't going to help me whatsoever, I'm going to stop posting here because faggots like >>86 and >>87 constantly pop up.

I actually was pissed at her for bringing up the relationship and then ending it by blaming that it was all my fault.

The entire reason I posted this here is because I thought this would be a good, clean community. But some people posting in threads they're not intrested in tells me that it's not the community I thought it would be.

So please, get off the computer and go outside.

89 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-26 22:20 ID:Heaven

There are assholes regardless of where you go. Hiding behind a keyboard brings out the worst in anyone, even us 2-ch-wannabe types.

90 Name: First-Failure : 2007-09-19 21:50 ID:hC2K1zyW

Well... I couldn't believe this myself.

As the fasting season begun, Robin sent me an email saying Happy Ramadan (name of the fasting season).

I asked her whether she wanted to be friends again. She replied by saying that she was thinking of me all the time... and wasn't sure whether to be friends again, but not over the top like last time. I said to Robin that friendship could not be broken so easily, and shown her how my friends in my home country still remember me after 2 years.

Was this a good move?

91 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-19 22:48 ID:2nD9tQpB

nice job on releasing the info of her religion...

92 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-19 23:48 ID:2MQQJIeO

We all figured it out long before

93 Name: First-Failure : 2007-09-20 09:19 ID:hC2K1zyW

Oh dear.

Robin replied today. She said that she thought I was pretty immature after I left a "that video fails" comment on her profile after we broke up. She was crying everyday and now I feel terribly guilty...

What should I do to get rid of that image?

94 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-20 10:17 ID:2MQQJIeO

Leave that in the past. You were mad, bitter, angry and sad.
It happens.

95 Name: First-Failure : 2007-09-20 21:27 ID:hC2K1zyW


Thanks. Now to email her again...

96 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-21 00:34 ID:3SUAPAKI

Change your name and go live in the desert. In time you will forget.

97 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-22 16:48 ID:yvlVNB37

>>96 lol

98 Post deleted by moderator.

99 Name: First-Failure : 2007-09-23 06:22 ID:oWTYuokD

I can't seem to be bothered to send a email back. It's been a few days and she might be thinking "Ha, that shut him up."

That, and...

100 Name: First-Failure : 2007-09-23 06:25 ID:oWTYuokD

100 get!

101 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-23 12:01 ID:G//M2NKu

101 get!

102 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-27 03:23 ID:g9IKvfvc

Densha wannabe

103 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-27 05:32 ID:3SUAPAKI

Summarize shorter. We're busy people.

104 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-27 07:16 ID:rY7usNlZ


Epic Failure

105 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-27 13:37 ID:5nU3PNpq

105 get!

106 Name: Nice Guy : 2007-10-08 13:48 ID:k70KlSSY

the OP watches too much drama for such a young age, giving him romanticized notions of reality.

You're young and still able to believe in these kind of ideals of love and strong relationships that last eternity, but the experience you'll be left with after this will change you, either for good or worse ;p

I speak from personal experience. When I was in high school, I was a weeaboo like yourself, and fell in love with some girl, and made the whole "we have to be friends for eternity" speach, and the "I care for you and can't let you go" stuff.

In the end, I ended up not speaking to her for years, until I got drunk one night and wrote to her on facebook, which she replied to a few months later :X

P.S. A good tip, listening to her voice for pleasure is cool and all if youve been in a serious relationship with her and are seperated or something.

Meeting a girl online and treasuring her voice seems kind of...

107 Name: First-failure : 2007-11-14 00:27 ID:6g9WVBeo

I'm back.

I managed to get her back as a friend, not in any intimate way.


108 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-14 23:38 ID:ulzZqefp

I cannot say if you are meant for each other, nor what an intimate relationship might result in. What I can say though, is that if she has any true belief in her heart that she should not be talking to you online, she will feel guilty. You need to decide if a friendship with her is worth making her doubt herself and possibly going back and forth between 'we can't talk to each other' and 'I miss you'.

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