My tale of sorrow (108)

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-19 20:20 ID:wUuvIJXO

Dude, for the sake of your own happiness, do yourself a favor and back off. I recommend meeting someone else and trying a different relationship, it will happen when you least expect it. But either way, the best course of action is to leave her alone, forgive me for being insulting but you're making yourself out to be a stalker here. Give her some space, if she truly cares about you she'll forget all the religious BS and try to contact you. She needs to make her own decisions here, let her. If she never talks to you again, accept that she was never the one in the first place and find happiness again when you're ready. I've had my heart broken too, btw, but once you find that special someone, like I have, you'll realize that all of this worry is just a waste of time. Good luck pal

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