My tale of sorrow (108)

38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-22 23:45 ID:IoqydXEs

think of it this way: do you treat every job you have (especially while you're in school) as if it will be your career? no. you still want a career, eventually, but first you work a series of jobs. for the experience. you learn about different industries, types of businesses, types of coworkers, types of bosses, etc. you learn a lot by working low-level dead-end jobs- most importantly, what it means to work. now apply this same concept to the dating world. it isn't very romantic, but it is reality. how would you ever know who fits you well if you never even considered staying with anyone but the first person you found?

eventually, that is the point... but you need to learn how to do it first.

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