tumbling into void but floating still (20)

13 Name: TS : 2007-09-06 03:35 ID:vMWtjuns

Happiness is the one thing humans seek; you have clearly found it OP. I know you've debated considerably with yourself about your qualms on this relationship, but you must work to make this happen. I've seen long distance relationships before; trust me, they are extremely difficult to maintain, due to the fact that you are not physically present with your partner.

I have two suggestions for you. The first is perhaps the two of you could compromise on a location where neither of you would be too far from your respective home locations. This would allow the two of you to meet much more easily, without completely foregoing your current residence. The second proposal is the taller order of the two, but I say go to her, if the former isn't an option.

May fortune smile upon you OP. I wish both you and she happiness.

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