Why are the current generation of girls so dull? (43)

26 Name: Lolz : 2007-10-13 22:02 ID:X+r1d6Oj

Aw jeese, and I was really looking forward to hitting the UK...

I think these girls have a false sense of what geeks are. They probably--as do girls here--equate it with playing a lot of video games and maybe watching anime (or TV in general). I know a lot of retards that do that, but the geeks I've known have favored more creative things like RPing, comics, literature... even programming. Nice things.

>and suddenly they're analing in public with some sunburned >Spanish dumbass who learned to play guitar for its pussy value.

Sucks for you, man.

>The guys are either into gaming or football. End.

I'm gonna be a nun T_T

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