"Can we just be friends?" (36)

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-21 21:53 ID:0FmULhRx

Yeah 17, you're a complete fucktard. Seriously. "Those kind of guys are lonely on a level that you've probably never known and you are probably the first girl in a long time that was worthwhile and atractive to come into their life." ?!
Fuck you. You guys all claim you want the "smart, cool, available girls", who are independent and hot and all other sorts of things, and yet when one walks in who is, according to guys, their every fantasy come to life, you all pull some bullshit where you're "intimidated" by her. You think lonlieness? Fuck you. I've never had a date or a kiss in my entire fucking life, and yet I'm 1.) Racked 2.) Trim 3.) Insanely smart 4.) Hot 5.) Strong, independent, assertive, whatever. Point is, I'm the full package here, and guys just don't want me. The problem with all you guys is that you all have a "fair-maiden" complex. You all want your chicks to "need" you, for you to be their knight in shinning armor. And so when a girl who is a complete package comes along and doesn't "need" a guy in her life, but sure would love to go on some dates and have some fun, you reject her. Because none of you out there want a woman; you just all want some girl to dominate.
Unless you're one of those ultra-passive types, in which case, I don't want to waste my time with you b/c you're a loser.

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