"Can we just be friends?" (36)

27 Name: lol : 2007-10-22 07:56 ID:07spR04c


the problem is that "just friends" doesn't mean what you are saying it means. "Hey, you're not an unpleasant person, but I don't think romance is going to work out" is NOT implied. You should know by now that men take things very literal. You should say what you mean the first time. "Just friends" means "I want to be your friend" to a guy. It doesn't say anything about the future, which is why most unexperienced young men keep trying after they get the friend speech.

lol, why do you even need to approach a cool guy? Do you not have any male friends, and are none of them "cool, attractive, and worthwile?" Yeah, it is hard to approach new people. That is true for both sexes. But I have a hard time believing you don't already have male friends that fit the bill. Either you have no male friends, which says something about your social skills, or you don't find any of them attractive, which is hard to believe and makes you sound like you have one hell of an ego if not a bit sexest. I'm sure your male friends would like to know that you don't find them worthwhile.

saying that cool, attractive, worthwhile women are rare does not set a standard. That could mean anything to anyone and is very relative. But it is pretty standard for a guy to know like ten guys that fit a certain profile and only one or two girls that fit the same profile. So for every ten or more guys that have things in common with a guy, he might only know one girl that he has things in common with. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy and really live in bizzaro world, but I seem to know a lot more girls that each have like 20 guy friends that they have things in common with than I know guys that have like 20 girl friends that they have lots in common with.

I don't even know why you are turning that comment into an attack on your character. It is pretty clear that you must be pretty cool and worthwhile already for this guy to freak out and make such a big deal over you.

lol, wow wow, no one said that creepy boy was in the right. I've been making fun of him in all my post. He was in the wrong in many ways. He really should have been able to hold himself back and put more thought into how his actions would be taken. I imagine the guy was a nerd that was still living in the magical world of grade school where if you work hard enough you can always get what you want.

Creepy guy was wrong, and is a rare case. Most guys aren't like that, and you shouldn't let that experience shape your entire opinion about the friend speech issue. Most guys get that speech and just go through months of depression with there mouth shut and DON'T let it bother the girl that is causing it.

lord, no one said you should have dated dip shit. No one is saying you should ever date anyone you do not find romantically interesting. Everyone that is arguing AGAINST the friend speech is simply saying that maybe girls should have a little sympathy and being a little bit more blunt, direct and open about how they feel and not hide behind a clieche.

jesus, don't get on the internet and talk about your personal experience and then say people don't have the right to comment. And no one said you should have dated his stupid ass, just that maybe you should try to have a more varied and open opinion on the issue that doesn't revolve around the stupid idiot that you met in Japanese class.

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