Having a affair (25)

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-11-15 07:59 ID:AmjexY3n

An affair is not something that both partners know about, you dipshit.

There's nothing wrong with non-monogamous relationships. The problem is when one partner wants to do things with other people, and the other partner isn't comfortable with that. If both people are comfortable with the situation, then it's fine. That's a lifestyle that's fine for some people. But if you're bored with your partner or there's a problem in your relationship, and you decide to just go fuck someone else without breaking up with or even trying to talk with your significant other, then I think it's safe to say that most of the time, you're going to seriously hurt them. Moreover, if the person you have an affair with gets attached to you, you might wind up hurting them, too. And of course, there's the strain that it threatens to put on YOUR psyche, since you are, after all, cheating on at least one person now (two, if you don't tell the person you're having an affair with about your current significant other).

And that's why you shouldn't cheat on your significant other. Don't get me wrong, I'm a pretty selfish person. I think people ought to be selfish. But they shouldn't be unreasonably self-centered. People shouldn't do whatever the fuck they want with complete disregard for how it affects others. You CAN fuck person B while having a relationship with person A even if it causes person A to stay up until 6 am freaking the fuck out because he or she doesn't know why you won't talk to him or her about what's wrong with your relationship, and you CAN simply ignore them and let them pathetically cling to you because they're too much of a pussy to break up with you -- thereby allowing you to continue to enjoy having sex with person A while at the same time fucking person B, even though it causes person A unspeakable psychological trauma -- but come on, man. Have a fucking heart. Just break up with person A and fuck person B. Or talk with person A and figure out a way to fix your relationship. It's not that hard to avoid causing massive damage to the people around you in the process of pursuing your own interests. Seriously.

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