how2 Make someone feel special? (11)

1 Name: inni minni : 2007-12-26 08:41 ID:w3BJB2+L

I just want to show someone that i really do respect their company, when i get it.
I really want them to understand that i care about them ALOT without spending money or telling them how i've typed it.
Are there any "lines" i can pull or gestures to say this to HIM without saying it bluntly "i really care about you"... because i am far to shy to do it that way.
How do i say that id give them my world wihtout LITERALLY saying it..
does this make sense?
How do i make him feel special; with something other than sex and kisses (we already have the physical stuff but i feel we need some other reminders on my behalf).
thanks !

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