Would it be it inappropriate for a girl to ask a boy out? (42)

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-16 18:04 ID:A8FnYu9q

I thought that the reason girls don't ask guys out is because of biology. That's kind of how it works in nature.

Most guys I know, including myself, will give you SO MANY points for doing this. So many that, even if we say "no", we won't be cruel about it, and will talk highly of you to our friends.

But it's not guys you're afraid of, is it? It's your status among other women. Because women hate women, and most social grooming amongst women is really just a search for weaknesses. And asking a guy out might earn you the dreaded slut stigma! Most of the stuff women do that men don't like, is because of the influence of other women. So, ask the guy out, but don't tell your friends you did so. Make sure they're not around when you ask him, and make sure they're not around when you go on the date.

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