Would it be it inappropriate for a girl to ask a boy out? (42)

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-18 04:27 ID:5C2TMAua

Taking shots at you? Please explain. How is he mean? Are you sure they are not joking around as guys would with their friends?

Me and mah boys "take shots" at eachother all the time, and laugh. It isn't hard to tell the difference between trying to be mean and just kidding, but I've noticed that girls sometimes have difficulties to understand this kind of bonding. So I don't know.

Perhaps he likes you and want to seem cool about it in front of his friends, so he jokes about you. I think it's sort of the same thing that make male friends pull mean jokes about eachother rather than saying nice things. It's kind of embarassing to be kind and loving for some reason, so it's easier to say stupid shit and know you have a connection when you can be okay with it and laugh, instead of taking offense.

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