Conversations, Meeting Women, Any Advice? (54)

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-18 09:56 ID:ISPYm+C4

Blah if I'm interested in someone I just open my mouth and talk. I used to be all shy and scared to say things. Often I would plan things out but when it came down to it, I would freeze up.

In all seriousness, talking to a girl is no big deal. Stop thinking "oh noes, what am I going to say/She's going to think I'm weird" and so on, because it's all bullshit. The worst she can do is give you the brush off and if she does, so what? One thing you can't be afraid of is being turned down because it's bound to happen one time or another. Just say fuck her and move on to the next one.

It's all small talk, really. If you can make small talk then you've got it made. You know, like talking about the weather, if you're in a bookstore, what kind of books she likes, and so on and so on. If you're bad at it, practice. Go to a grocery store and say hi to old people as you pass them. Talk about the weather with a cashier. Take a walk around your neighborhood and talk to your neighbors. You will realize that people aren't all big, scary, and unapproachable, and talking to them is no big deal.

But I almost forgot the most important thing. Before approaching women, before taking one step out of that fucking door, you need to be 110% confident in YOURSELF. Being self-conscious, doubting yourself, etc, that shit needs to go ASAP. You need to know that you're the fucking man and no one can tell you otherwise. If need be, work on yourself before you take this next step in life. By working on yourself, I mean just that, working on yourself. I went through a million kinds of haircuts and clothing styles before I was finally able to look in the mirror and say, "fuck yeah!"

I hope you take this to heart and when you're ready (and not a second sooner), go get them man.

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