Big time questions... (74)

40 Name: SpireAtlanta : 2008-02-18 01:53 ID:qa0NNmS2

It seems as though you're all too happy to jump on the relationship train, OP. Judging by how eager you were to be involved with both women, my advice would be to consider how much you need to slow down, and then take three more mental steps back.

LG doesn't seem to be going anywhere at the moment. It might be worth it to throw a "You're cute" her way, but I suggest slowing down and just hanging out until you calm down and can think rationally again. If she says things that seem to all of us herre to be her pushing you to indicate interest, that'll be a different story.

As for OG, my advice follows >>39. LG would be jealous at least, if she has any interest in you, and potentially sickened by it. If LG thinks nothing of you, it's likely she'd be turned off.

OG is also going to need a bit of time to separate herself from you, and you saying "Well, I was a bit hasty and immature" Right Now would sound fake or evasive. Be honest and say what you should, "I need some time to sort through things, so I'll probably be responding less for a bit."- or something to that effect.

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