So I confessed to this girl (32)

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-02-23 12:40 ID:5DOVrffF

>>12 NO!

BUT, there is hope yet. I've given a guy friend of mine the "I just want to be friends" thinking nothing could ever happen between us.

So, we stayed friends, and I DID start to rethink my decision (although it was the right thing to do, for various reasons, like his best friend being in the way...anyways) but sadly we were graduating from high school soon after and I never mentioned it again, thinking he wouldn't want me to.

I still sort of regret it now, but one day his car passed my mine on the street and we waved at each other at a red light ^^

So, basically... give her space, and then give her another chance. Don't over do it, but after a while a smile will let her know things are still ok between the two of you.

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