Dating a Wapanese girl (28)

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-16 15:54 ID:T9/cPdn6

You also have to consider just because she watches anime and plays video games she may still not be a total wap, and doesn't eat only ramen and sushi while wearing her Naruto headband. I think it would be better if you just left her around. You apparently only had any interest in her because you thought she was cute, which is an extremely shallow reason. If you have to rack your brain to think of even one thing to do together, then that's a relationship destined to fail. If you really wish to pursue the relationship, you should find out more about her. You can't really proceed if you've just got one vague blanket statement about her hobbies to go on. Go to lunch with her or something, an interest neutral situation where you could talk with her more.

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