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31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-23 13:36 ID:1UYRHYz4

>>27 here.

>>30 ....wow. You're kinda creepy, aren't you? Why don't we restrict ourselves to giving advice, rather than soliciting yourself to depressed girls.

Seriously though. Popular girls? Lose appeal. And for a segment of the population, they're just not appealing. Generic, cookie-cutter girls with shitty fucking attitudes and giant, stretched vaginas, for the most part.

Being yourself is the best policy. There's plenty of guys out there who like girls who aren't popular. Hell, for the most part, it can be a relief. Less assholes looking at your girl, and less investment in a poisonous social circle.

Seriously though....why do you feel so dark and lonely? And why are you afraid to show the 'real' you? What is the real you like, exactly?

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