Antisocial Issues (17)

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-17 23:14 ID:vtq4bj+o

It might indeed lower him if you leave him.

But you might also try one thing (remember that you're also doing that to preserve yourself): act as an electroshock. Meet up with him, then install a "serious discussion" frame, explain him that you're tired of his negative behaviour, that it's starting to impact you, and (most important) that you believe he can get out of this situation, and that you believe in him. Tell him you just can't put up with it anymore, you have a life of your own and so on.

All of this is true; you're not lying. You don't have to feel ashamed or even worse, guilty of doing it. If he tries to drag you on that way, well... it's basic manipulation, and it's not really sympathetic coming from him.

To finish, tell him that you don't hate him, that you don't judge him; you have to praise him a little. Tell him that if he ever decides to move himself and start working his problems out, he can just walk to you again. Until then... let's keep some distance.

What this will achieve is allowing you to move on without feeling (too much) guilt, keeping an open door, and possibly making him realize that his behaviour might lead him to lose people and things he likes and took for granted.

Hope this helps.

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