I want to confess already (28)

17 Name: Thunder!rHSj9FAROc!!A7wL4071 : 2008-05-06 03:04 ID:JWFLHf73

>>15 when I first confessed to my best friend, it was because he found out from my other friends telling him. we took a walk and I told him, "I guess you know what this is about, huh?" He made a affirmative noise and I said, "Yeah..I like you..."

I should have planned it out better, and maybe even phrased it better. But it was important for me to be able to say it to him.

he didn't return my feelings, but we eventually worked it through and became closer as a result.

But like soccerfuu said, you really have nothing to lose. if he knows, all you have left to do is find out his reaction. GO FOR IT!

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