torn between two (11)

1 Name: GrassFairy : 2008-05-21 23:59 ID:xEnlXvs2

ok so here's the deal...typical story

i just broke up with my ex this week. why? its really complicated...but basically things weren't going anywhere. however i thought at one point that he was the person i have been looking for.

so anyways, it seems as if yesterday the impossible was possible. my crush from a while back asked me out. and i said yes, because i mean i've liked him but i thought it was pointless, thinking he wouldn't feel the same way. so now my ex has been emailing me asking what he did wrong etc. etc. and i really dont know what direction i am heading right now. i think i may still like my ex but at the same time i want to be with 'the new guy'


2 Name: S-chan : 2008-05-22 00:19 ID:xEnlXvs2

(._.)i gotta think this over and then i'll help out

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-05-22 00:24 ID:GBNXNS/R

see how well you and the new guy work out

4 Name: GrassFairy : 2008-05-22 00:29 ID:xEnlXvs2

..thanks. i've been trying to figure that out past few days. he's (the new guy) is so great, but i'm not too sure how to act around him, and also my friends just found out today, which is both a good and bad thing

5 Name: S-chan : 2008-05-22 00:30 ID:xEnlXvs2

brainfried (X.x)

6 Name: GrassFairy : 2008-05-22 00:31 ID:xEnlXvs2

should i post more about the situation...?

7 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-05-22 00:43 ID:KrhYCRpF

yes please

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-05-22 00:55 ID:Heaven


>asking what he did wrong

Answer this. This will also help you clarify for yourself why you ended that relationship, and let you move on without any regrets/hangups.

9 Name: GrassFairy : 2008-05-22 04:08 ID:xEnlXvs2

thanks guys, i told him why for the most part

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-05-22 11:59 ID:wF5/w1p1

for the most part? why not everything?

I'm not too sure, but if he was really in love with you he's been hurt already; telling him what he did wrong can only help him heal up faster, and improve for the next time (though probably not with you...)

If he asked, I honestly think he deserves the "total" answer. Don't leave him in the haze.

11 Name: GrassFairy : 2008-05-22 17:53 ID:Ie13Dkrv

ok, i will
i wasn't really thinking when i last talked to him, i'll be sure to clear things up.

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