Girls Asking Guys Out?? (32)

30 Name: Thunder!RQhIqRxs5I!!QiI33I8Q : 2008-06-03 16:39 ID:RqiRQp/M

I'm the type of girl who's direct and aggressive, but the one time I confessed it didn't end well, and my current situation, where I was basically the pursuer, isn't going so hot, either.

When I like somebody, I want to chase and pursue (I'm kind of guy-minded, I guess) but because that's not what society tells us girls are supposed to do, I'm always afraid of coming off as clingy and annoying if I'm the one calling and making plans or sending text messages to say funny things throughout the day.

I feel...undesired if the guy doesn't take the initiative at some point, just because society tells us guys are the ones who are supposed to chase, and I know I'm an aggressive girl. I have a friend who prides herself on being a feminist and a strong woman, but she wants a man who's as strong as her, and when it comes to relationships, she wants a guy who can pursue her (she's also made the first move plenty of times and it's fallen flat every time.)

So, while girls have less to lose in asking guys out, I think guys need to take the reigns at some point, too.

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