When & How (14)

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-09 00:11 ID:cCAoJzev

-I've had her but didn't feel that way
-I've felt that way but didn't have her
-I've been out there
-The "friend zone" is my prime territory, I must seem like a truly great guy or something
-Friends are a bother
-The less I work it the more they pile up
-I start caring years too late
-I'm 26 and a fucking half
-I'll still be a virgin when I'm 30

I hardly care anymore
I'm too odd for something as regular as relationships. Unless I'm horny I'm kind of happy about, not being in a position where I have to be accountable for anyone but myself. I already treat myself like shit, even thought I'm not down with the emo. The only thing that makes me sad is that even though I want to, I can't be a loving, caring person.
To be honest, I think I'm a fucking douchebag. Maybe that's why I avoid people...

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