[Dilemma] Help! I can't get him out of my head! [Obsession] (36)

16 Name: Anonette : 2008-06-22 18:05 ID:Fvfbf2CF

After a lot of thought and introspection, I realize that a relationship between mean and him would never work out, no matter how hard we tried and I probably would have gotten rejected which would have led to some unhealthy post-crush/rejection binging involving a whole tub of fudge ice cream and marathon of Lifetime movies. Instead, I will put all my support behind my friend (the one who also likes him) no matter what choice she makes and I'll try to remain friends with the guy who likes me and go no further. Maybe I can take all the energy used in liking him to get interested in something else-like archery, something constructive before I become depressed and spend the rest of my summer sulking.

Alternatively I could just turn emo.

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