[Dilemma] Help! I can't get him out of my head! [Obsession] (36)

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-01 05:22 ID:JIT5JaRU

My brain is kind of melting, but it's not related to your blogging
Yesterday, I felt like going for a walk, but I knew starving to death takes too long, it's possibly a huge bother. So I went to bed, and when I woke up I was all fresh again. However, it doesn't make me happy anymore. Things that make me happy these days, it's nothing you can pursue. Happiness is a fickle thing

I was going to write something subject-related, but it escaped me. I'm sure it would've been very significant

...oh there we go:
Crushes dressed as friendships are equally useless you know. So personally I forsee a brief and forced friendship out of hopes for more and principles, eventually killed by disinterest. "Lets just be just friends" means "Ofcourse I respect and appriciate you as a person too!"
No one actually does that. You can never stimulate a guy socially as much as another guy...
...You know while I was out on my smoking break just now I lined up the rest of this word-shitting in my head, and made every point I was looking to make in a way so immaculate and complete, I simply cannot hope to recreate it in text. I'm not even going to try, but my point is this; if glasses-guy or whateverthefuck turns out to be truly unboyfriendish indeed, you might wanna do the both of you a favour and take distance

Moreover I think you should just tell... "CB", that you want his seed inside you, have him fuck you and if that concepts some kind of pity for your emotions within him, so that he takes you as his cockwrap for however long it turns out, you can be obliviously happy for a time under heavy pheromone-inducement, until desensitation let you catch up with all the flaws the new situation has presented you, and a feeling of disatisfaction will start to grow until it eventually overtakes whatever affection is left, and you can no longer endure out of principles and morals alone -of which you're already lacking as I can tell, then you'll realize you've "grown apart", and if this happens before he in turn has grown weary of you for similar reasons you can at least maintain that you were too good for him, rather than you being undesireable. But in the end it's hard to say which would be prefferable over the other, for a number of reasons

but yeah, how was that date?

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