Which matters? (18)

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-09 05:26 ID:KE1a1y0R

If I find out that someone is romantically interested in me after knowing them for more than a month or so, I will probably not be interested. Lack of reciprocation is a huge turn-off for me, second only to having a horrible personality.

Let me tell you a story about a man we'll call Nick (for that was his name).

I met him in a wonderfully geeky way: through a role-playing group. The first night he played, the GM invited another girl who turned out to be one of the most annoying people I have met in my life. She made the game nearly impossible to play, which was fine by me, since it gave me a chance to talk with Nick a bit. (He told me a story about attempted necrophilia, which is the perfect way to begin wooing me.)

It became normal for me to sit next to him at games. We talked a bit more, and I found myself with a bit of a crush on him. Now, Nick wasn't the most attractive fellow, but he certainly wasn't undatable or unkissable, and made up for it with a decent personality.

One night I dragged myself to the game despite being quite sick. I ended up puking miserably and crawling into another room to sleep. He was quite nice to me at the time, and I remember thinking that this was finally someone who I could be happy with.

So what happened? Things stagnated. I was flirting happily with him, and he was kind of flirting with me in game, but nothing happened outside of it. Nothing. I could tell he was interested, all our friends thought so too. But he made no moves.

Now, I understand that girls can be intimidating. I understand that rejection is scary. I can even sympathize. But, during the pre-relationship dance, I have to be met half-way. I lose interest otherwise. It's not something I really have control over, I just do.

It was at an anime convention a few weeks later that I looked at him and all attraction fled from me. A few hours later I met a boy I found kind of cute. We talked... talked a bit more... spent the evening flirting, then met up again the next day. The next evening was spent wandering around the empty convention center, making out. All it took was having someone not so afraid of rejection that they didn't even try.

(Our not-quite-dating relationship lasted all of a week before he started dating someone else. I was sad for a week, then a stranger we'll call Mark on the street asked me for my number. A week later we went on a date where he proceeded to completely skip the pre-relationship dance and ask me to be his girlfriend before we had even kissed. We then made out in a deserted sports field, drawing a thumbs-up from a random homeless guy.)

(The boy I made out with at the convention is now dating a friend of mine. Thankfully, I've managed to avoid seeing him face-to-face, as I know that would be somewhat painful.)

(Nick kind of turned into an asshole and turned out to be in love with his best female friend. I have no idea what he's doing now, as he's alienated himself from our group. Oh, and he got a horrible haircut from her.)

tl;dr - I doubt I would be interested in anyone if I'd known them for more than a month or so. Looks aren't the most important thing, although they are nice. Don't let your bitchy best friend cut your hair.

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