Help Me Bridge The Gap Between Our Hearts (12)

1 Name: The Desperate One : 2008-07-11 00:47 ID:AiWvPh2E

Ok so here is the deal. I am a 20 year old male and have never had a girlfriend. Yesterday I finally got the girl I like to go out for dinner and a movie with me. Things went surprisingly well and by the end of the movie I finally managed to ask her to go out with me. She told me that I was sweet but she wasn’t looking for a long distance relationship. She said that she had tried that before with someone who lived 1 hour away and that he almost never called and she rarely saw him. She told me that I wasn’t being rejected and that she would like to do this again some time. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and we both went home. I told her if she ever moved back that I would still be here and this seemed to make her smile.

It seems from my point of view that the biggest problem is distance as she is going to be moving 2.5 hours away. The thing is I don’t have any problem with staying in contact or driving the two hours but I don’t know how to get her to see that. Any advice on this situation would be appreciated.

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