Love is a strong word, help me think D: (10)

1 Name: Mitruki : 2008-08-15 23:23 ID:TisChc+E

Ok i sort of have this tiny prblem that i need help fixing.

Ok well i recently broke of with my b/f like 2 weeks ago. A good friend of mine who has been hlping me through it recently confessed that he was in love with me [i had no idea that he did so it was a bit surprising]He told me i was teh reason he broke up with his girl. I suppose to guilt me or something he told me that. I told him that i didn't feel the same and now when we talk he always tells me he does love me. I moved on from it and take it as a casual good-bye.[ i know that's bad] Another friend of mine made me meet his friend from england and well we got along great. Now i'm dating this british guy. I told my friend about it and now he hates my current b/f and is dating a girl to try to get my jealous. I want to tell his g/f but she loves him so i can't. On top of all this i reunited with an old friend and he confessed that he loves me. He told me last night and we were fighting about how i never noticed and how i'm so clueless to how he felt . I truly never knew and he kept telling me that he also loved me and was crying.

Basic rundown is-
Friend #1 - Says he loves me- hates my b/f - and is dating a girl to make me jealous.
Friend #1's g/f- Loves him and is my friend so i can't tell her the truth
Friend #2- Confessed his feelings and is a old childhood friend
My b/f has no clue on what's going on and i don't want to worry him but I need help on what to do. Please if you guys have any advice, please comment.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-15 23:42 ID:Heaven

1-find what you really want out of each situation
2-make that choice clear to every involved party
3-do not leave misunderstandings or quiproquos
4-do not give false hopes

Communication is the key to all of the above.

3 Name: Mitruki : 2008-08-15 23:51 ID:TisChc+E

So what gather them all up and tell how i feel to them ? That's seems easiest to me.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-16 00:49 ID:cZehmQaC

when a girl is close friends with a guy, it's extremely hard for the guy not to be interested in being more than friends with the girl. To guys, female friends and male friends are completely different and usually means that he's waiting for an opening. Guys usually don't become close friends with girls they aren't interested in.

Protip: if a guy wants to be a girl's best friend, it's because they're interested in becoming more

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-16 00:51 ID:cZehmQaC

As for advice, you need to tell the other guys that you're not interested and am sorry if you gave them the wrong idea.

6 Name: rico : 2008-08-16 09:08 ID:Heaven

Ok, wtf is this shit, and why is it perpetuated so much on these boards?!!!

My best friend is a woman and I've never felt anything for her. When we first met, she apparently had a short crush on me, but now there is nothing. Even when we're both single, we feel for each other more like brother and sister than anything else. In fact, all of my closest friends are females. And really, I'm not gay or effeminate, I'm one of the most hetero guys I've met.

And for the OP... What >>2 said precisely.
And don't.... gather them all up.... Tell them... individually.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-17 05:52 ID:98fRxeXn

Lol, as you do with a staff meeting. Remember to bring the arrowroot cookies and coffee.

OP, you can't do anything about your girl friend's feelings without it turning out to be a huge sticky mess. Leave her to be, and hope that she comes to her senses (if the love is one sided, they will eventually break up). A real friend will be there for her to pick up the pieces. As for friend #1, he is being entirely immature and selfish. If you haven't made it clear to him that you're not interested, then do so. Otherwise, stay civil with him and do not in any way lead him on. Limit your conversations with him, and just generally keep at a distance. Lastly, childhood friend...sincerely apologise to him about you being oblivious to his feelings. Make sure however, that as much as you are sorry and value him, you do not reciprocate his romantic feelings for you. Put yourself in your boyfriend's shoes and think about how you would want him to act in your situation.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-20 21:25 ID:sUK8Yj4G


i think you need to evaluate the situation.

friend 1 - tell him that you dont like him at all and that he has a good girlfiend who really cares about him or if you want to you can say show me how you would treat me through her so that would give him more of a reason to date her other than getting you jealous.

friend 1s gf - if you told her that hes with her to make you jealous that would ruin your friendship because she might see you as competition in the sense that if you were ever like him she'd be out easily. so shed be watching how you interact with him to make sure nothing is happening. OR she just might be happy and drop him. but its what you think

friend 2 - he came too late into the game. lol. if you dont like him then you dont. no matter how much he cries he has to accept reality for what it was. and he cant blame you for not being aware. people do that all over the world. not your fault. he should be accepting enuogh to realize he doesnt have a chance.

bf - doesnt need to know because theres nothing happening. if you told the bf about friend 1 it might result in a fight or mistrust of you when youre with friend 1 if you ever are with friend 1. same thing with friend 2. unless you give him no reason to doubt you then you can say it nonchalantly "i think friend 1 likes me" i got this weird feeling from him. then your boyfriend might get protective but if hes secure then he would be cool with the fact that youre dating him and not worry about it.

theres a lot of scenarios but since you know them best you have to foresee how they would all react. my advice. do not tell the boyfriend and tell friend 1 and friend 2 that you are happy with your boyfriend and that if they make any further moves on you that will make you unhappy and if they really like you they'd care about your happiness more than they want to be with you.

i think thats about right.

9 Name: Mitruki : 2008-08-20 23:24 ID:58YwEeCe


O///O oh gracias!! Thanks all of you guys >_< [You ppl are much more reasonable than my friends lol] I took you advice and well here's what happened-

Friend 1 - He accepted it that i didnt like him and said he will try to move on [prays he will]

Friend 2- Oh he's pissed >_> But i think he'll get over it.... he should... He was mad and tried to change my mind but i tried to be as firm as possible when i told him i just wanted him as a friend.

Friend 1 g/f- I told her... She said she had a feeling that her b/f didnt like her. But she isnt giving up!! She cried but im going to be dupporting her as much as i can.

B/F- I didnt tell him ._. I think it would be best if he doesnt know. He might get really mad. I rather make him happy xD

[bows] Thank You Guys So Much!

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-21 05:21 ID:ac/lffH2

hey no problem its all good. glad we could help

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