Small things. (8)

1 Name: tan : 2008-09-01 18:30 ID:B/hLq/16


I feel like I shouldn't have a girlfriend. I shouldn't even be talking to people whom I know 'personally'. My memory is too good to forget anything they've ever said, and my awareness is too sharp to toss out anything that doesn't match up with the memory. It makes me paranoid, constantly. I know one person who has never told me a lie, and that's my best friend. I love him as a friend, the feeling is mutual.

Should I just resign myself to a singleton existence?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-01 20:09 ID:Heaven

Congratulations. You don't have a girlfriend. Now your dreams are fulfilled.

3 Name: tan : 2008-09-01 20:34 ID:B/hLq/16

I do have a girlfriend, though. What was your point?

4 Name: Mr. no name : 2008-09-02 06:24 ID:KY6x0fh+


I'm confused...are you a boy or a girl?

5 Name: tan : 2008-09-02 07:24 ID:Heaven

...Does it matter?

6 Name: Mr. no name : 2008-09-02 09:26 ID:KY6x0fh+


it does...a lot...

7 Name: tan : 2008-09-02 09:39 ID:Heaven

No, it doesn't. I'm a guy. I stated that the only person who never told me a lie was a good friend of mine, one whom, because he is such a good friend, never had. I am not asking whether I should date him, I don't want to. I am asking whether someone I am so close to is the only type of person that won't spew temporally inconsistent blabber during the course of a relationship.

8 Name: Mr. no name : 2008-09-02 10:24 ID:KY6x0fh+

well now at least my confusion is gone -_-

as for your question, I think you can never really tell who will spew and who will not. People are very unpredictable beings so best be careful with whoever you are hanging out with^^

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