the asian guy is a lonely life (15)

1 Name: urekun : 2008-09-28 07:48 ID:zA7u/yEq

I'm an asian guy that is unable to attract any local girls in my area. I have a great personality and i'm not ugly, but i'm not handsome either.. i'm average. I'm not shy or unconfident about chatting to girls, but i'm unable to get a relationship with a white girl in my area.

I have met some really awesome girls and talked to them, but any girl that is open minded about having a relationship with an asian guy is either taken(by a white guy) or moved to a different state. So, many girls that are stuck here are very bitchy and annoying to a point that I wouldn't even want a relationship with them in the first place.

I just feel like i'm going to be single forever, if I don't leave this town >.< I want to hurry up and finish college.

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