I don't know what to do (9)

6 Name: MeBlacKKatt013 : 2008-12-12 04:47 ID:psMPg3RN

I don't know what to do either.
I've been together with a boy for two years now, but I'm a very horrible girlfriend(in my opinion) I'm very abusive (as in punching, hitting, etc.) I'm hot-headed. I can be the biggest bitch sometimes, but that's only been recently. I'm the very jealous type. Regardless of all that, he says he still likes me, but it seems that I can't make him happy anymore. He's almost always depressed and he say's I'm complicated and that I want to change him. Those aren't my intentions. We fight a lot and it's been going down hill a little. I don't know what to do. He says I keep to many secrets from him, too.

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