So there's this girl.... [PURSUIT] (7)

2 Name: 43 : 2008-12-25 09:34 ID:X5hQCdyk

  1. Wait for her to give you the sign (the coy smile + eyebrow rising for 2 second followed by looking away)
  2. Once and only once you have received the signal then make your move. Most guys spoil everything at this stage. By your move I mean approach her and get to know her.
  3. The next signal is physical contact. Wait for her to feel comfortable around you and you'll know she's comfortable 'cause she'll touch you (read poke/hold/tickle you).
  4. Make your big move. (date/kiss/bf/gf)
  5. Report the results.

Have fun and good luck. Merry Christmas to you too

PS. take into account that not all chicks are the same and the trick may take longer with some or not work at all if they are overly shy.

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