Mother found out...I just feel horrible. (12)

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-13 04:07 ID:Y3jk8ncR

your mom want's to make sure that the boy you're dating right now is a good boy with prospect or not...

see... i even don't know you all just from internet, and vice versa... you don't know me either.

wether i live a good living or not, how's my parents, who i work with, etc...

i think she just want to know that you are dating a really good guy that has a real proof~
that's just parent's "instinct" to make sure that your life are going to be okay until they can't see you anymore (aka: R.I.P).

your mom should not hurt you physically!
-talk and discussion is the best way mom!-

i know, as a teen i always break the house rules. and the more they hold me, the more i will be a bad boy~ hahahahaha...
your mom should reconsider that...
that's why talk is the best way to solve problems...

if talk still can't make things better, it's up to you...
it's either your mom who cannot understand you or you can't understand your mom~
because i don't have any clue about how is your family~

ask things about this to a neutral person who knows you well~
if you ask you BF, your friends, or ppl that you know who will supporting you, the result will turns out all of the fault is from you mom right?

good luck~ ^^

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