Why am I still jealous? (6)

1 Name: Confused : 2009-03-28 22:51 ID:Jg37Pru5

I used to like a guy and well... I guess I don't like him anymore. But last Saturday one of my friend saw him with this girl I really hate. To tell the truth she's a real bitch. I just suddenly feel really angry and jealous. And the thing is it's not like they're alone together. The guy's friend are actually with him and the bitch probably have her friends with her. So why do I still feel like this? Plus the guy actually already made a promise with me to go to the movies with him. And that was actually a year ago. Whenever I asked he would say that he's busy. Plus he always said that he's just friend with the bitch. And now whenever I text him, it would take him a long time to reply.
So what do you guys think? What's going on in my life?

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