I don't know what to do (9)

5 Name: AnonymousMan7 : 2009-06-19 01:03 ID:Heaven


i know that I should just probably forget about it. But unlike any other girl I have either gone out with or liked, she is completely different. We have so much in common, share common views, like the same stuff, and understand each other completely. and its hard forgetting now because the times we spent together continually appear within my mind. Its as if they happened yesterday. Now when I go to stores or any place, there is always a song that will come up that reminds me of her, or I'll see something that reminds me of her. I just don't know what to do. I have even thought I have forgotten, then she would appear in my mind again. But something that I wanna stick to is something that Ryuuchi told me, communication. If I could simply be there for her, I would love that.

I know >>4 that you probably are sick of that kind of story, and I don't blame you. I'm trying not to think about it as much as possible.

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