Project Evolution (98)

26 Name: Subject No.6 : 2009-08-19 12:49 ID:wHMTclMu

This might be already too late. But I’ll try anyways

Subject No.6
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: 17
Nationality: Asian-British
Education: College-Animation
Work: No
Income: $0.00
Living Situation: with parents
Knows How to Drive and Owns a Car: No
On Computer: Mostly when I have a free time
Weight: 183 lbs
Smoke: No
Drink: No
Drugs: No
Virgin: Yes
Physical Experience: I’ve only been able to hug girls before. That’s it
Style: Well in terms of clothing I normally wear formal and suitable fashion clothing with suits during proper occasion I never wear hip-hop or what other teenagers like to say gangster clothing.
Friends: Have an average number of good friends.
Activities: Computers, Drawing, Learning how to speak Japanese, watching anime and reading manga, Sports, video games, rock-climbing, swimming and Eating.
Skills: Easy to talk to, cooking, helping other people when they need it, giving advice (sometimes).

Extras: Like No.5 I’ve been trying to find a job to support myself and give some to my family as well, but due to this economic downfall I can’t get any no matter how good my application form is, and I was at a verge of giving up but then I thought if I gave up now that would mean I would give up on harder things in life so I didn’t but rather persevere. But my main problem is not that I don’t have a job but rather the lingering feeling that I feel that my life is like an empty shell, there’s nothing that satisfy me, I have an average of good friends but most of them have already set goals and seems to be fulfilling it, which I have this friend who went to Ireland, by the way I live in the UK, anyways he went there to do a golf course because he wants to become a pro golf player and others are also successful and it every time I hang with them they seem like in a different level than I am, although I excel in animation it feels like something is missing. But that is my problem I don’t know what’s missing. Especially during summer holidays like now which it takes it out of you since I’m here at my house doing nothing worthwhile and worth remembering, and even though I go to parties it still feel empty, I’ve decided many times that I will need to change myself before the new semester starts, but what I am worried about is that, if I changed myself would it fill the gaps that’s been missing in me….

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