Project Evolution (98)

46 Name: Subject No. 10 : 2009-10-02 01:21 ID:NdRvti4L

No. 00

It's good to work while you're in college, but beware, your grades will most likely suffer. It is essential though to avoid the quarter-life crisis. I would recommend not just getting any job though. School is important. When you're not in school though, you should be working to build your network and skills in the real world, but you need to be working jobs related to your studies or this most likely won't do you much, so intern if you have to, work for nothing, just stay busy between semesters doing something productive. Sitting around ended when you graduated high school. Yeah, you can take the last month off if you worked all summer, but that's just about it. Don't kill yourself. Life loses meaning if you become a slave.

Also, I don't think you have to sell your manga and anime, just don't buy anymore or drastically minimize purchases. Should you ever be in a financial bind and need the money, then you could sell it off. It's an investment to a certain degree now.

Remember to ask for Phones' number next time. If you've established a friendly rapport, this is the next step. I think things have been going well so far, but what do I know? I have no experience! I do tend to have insight into other people's relationship/romantic issues though for some reason, just not my own.

Looking forward to your next update.

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