Another story. (18)

8 Name: Mutt!TJ9qoWuqvA : 2009-08-21 12:52 ID:sId442Ws

There's been more development.
I was chatting with her, and said a few unintentionally insensitive things. She seemed pissed.
In order to try to explain myself, I told her to google the 'INTJ' personality type. I said that it explained a lot of things about me and how sometimes I'm weird and callous without intending to be that way.
She immediately identified with it as well, and taking the test revealed that she matched that profile.
We've kinda ditched the other two guys after she explained that she wasn't really comfortable around them; I didn't really click with them either.
I guess I have to thank the psychologists who formulated the MBTI profiling system. I now am really close with a girl who shares the same social retardation, thinks like me, and sees the world like I do.
Things will develop between us. I'll make sure of this, I'll try my best to keep this rare gem of a girl from slipping away. I don't think I'll have many chances at finding someone like this for a long time.
I'll post an update if when something happens, this thread still exists.

Good vibes, everyone.

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