Just tell me your problems... (122)

117 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-12-27 15:45 ID:Q5jLnD/G

oracle, why do you give up your time to help people over the internet?

there's something that's been bothering me lately and won't seem to go away. is it just me, or is everyone into asian chicks these days? maybe it's because i majored in asian studies in college and am now living in japan, but it seems like every white guy i've met in the past 4 years has had yellow fever. nowadays i can't even visit a website without having to read about how asian girls are sooo hot and non-asian women are for the birds. is this mentality really that prevalent, or am i just hanging out with the wrong crowds/visiting the wrong blogs and websites? i don't remember guys being this obsessed when i was growing up, but (in my life at least) it seems to be becoming the normP

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