Just tell me your problems... (122)

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-09-19 00:25 ID:aczjKSad

We had our first meeting at my friend's party. She invited her. It was very convenient and non-threatening. I saw her again at an event she participated in over the summer, and I had told her I was coming, but she didn't get the message, so she was surprised to see me but didn't seem creeped out or frightened. She told me to come to the next one and I did. I brought a flower each time, which she received well. The second time was around her birthday, so cause she took the flower well, I got a card, the most non-threating, non-intimidating card I could find, with the most neutral message inside. I haven't seen her since though. That was about two months ago. I guess I'll need to find an event at her school, but there's no way to tell if she's going to be going to anything other than asking her, and you said not to contact her. Do you see my dilemma Oracle? That is why I have sought you out. My friend has seen her once on campus, and I don't know anyone the girl may associate with at school.

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