Guy-friend help. :/ (17)

6 Name: Troubled : 2009-10-12 03:27 ID:OypIOjlP

Wow, thanks even more guys. I'll try my best the next time I see him.

Funny story, I actually spent most of the day with him today. We studied for four hours in the library, (also with the girl he kind of likes) and then he invited me back to his house. Being really happy, and maybe even having the chance to confess, I accepted. He ended up playing Halo for three hours, while I watched. What's worse is that he was talking with his friends on the Xbox live thing almost the entire time. :/ This really wasn't that exciting for me, but I'm glad that I could experience something that he really enjoys.

I'm not quite sure I'd be able to kiss him on the lips >//w//< but I'll definitely hint more of my feelings. 4ch has really given me a lot of confidence and what to do!

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