What should I do? (5)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-11-23 04:58 ID:/8loX01Q

This guy used to be friends with me before; he helped me with studying Japanese and he was good at it so I looked up to him. Then, He began to be mean to me after wards and yesterday he said this:

"let me be straight with you
i dont mind talking with you
but you just go on yapping
you dont know when to stop
it really gets on my nerves"

I barely even spoke to him this whole goddamn year and I only see him on chat. And every chat had bitter words and endings. I can't even say a decent 'hi, how are you?'

there is a difference between
talking too much
and yapping
your pointless chatter is just that.. POINTLESS
5:46 PM is what people called YAPPING
talking is different on the other hand
so frankly... i am scared to talk with you... because i dont know when you will stop..."

Yapping? When was there yapping if I couldn't even TALK?!
Also, I don't talk like the way he describing me to,
he's exaggerating.

Now, this is the guy who also helped me in my studying and stuff, But he's real nasty now. And I hate myself because I just can't stop looking back to what once was. I want you yell at him but I can't do it. But I want to.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-11-23 05:28 ID:sp4gmMrV

Sounds like an asshole, don't give any thought to this guy, he's a waste of space.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-11-29 20:55 ID:Heaven

He just doesn't like you. It may be harsh, but maybe it's better he was direct about it than pretending to be your friend and saying this shit behind your back.
It doesn't mean that you're not likable, but very often personalities clash.
Let it go.

4 Name: ShutUp Already!lRmWOHraD2 : 2010-06-11 14:30 ID:hfxX8dDy

Love is Love. Love speaks to us all. Yapping is Yapping. No Human MAN will love a person who yaps ...for very long.

For the Love of Life ... you know it's true.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-06-17 04:13 ID:Heaven

hi creepy thread necro. kill yourself please.

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