Am I weird for liking geeks? (17)

1 Name: atashi-sama : 2009-12-18 16:26 ID:SEksoWKq

Hey, I'm a 16 year old girl. Still in high school.
I don't know, I need an opinion, because I'm confused and I don't want to be influenced by what my classmates have been telling me.

I'm an anime fan. A HUGE one. Not ashamed at all.
So, I don't know if that had any beneficial factors into this result, but I'm just trhowing it in there.

SO I like guys who are more on the geeky side.
Skinny? Kinda cute.
Likes anime/manga/comics? Points gained~
Likes gaming? Another point~
Goes to conventions? Hug
A bit awkward? A lot cute~
Glasses? gwomp
Not showing a racial preference or anything, but...
East Asian? Fallen in love

So yeah, that's the thing.
I love otaku guys.
My friend showed me some pictures of her trip to Japan when she went by Akihabara, and I fell in love with it. I don't know...
My mother says I have weird taste in guys, and so do all my friends.
Is it really true?
Is it so socially wrong to love geeky asian guys?
I have a thing for nerds.
I thought it didn't matter who you like, right, as long as you like them?
Why does everyone else make it seem like it /is/ a bad thing...

_| ̄|O

I need a bit of feedback. Just so I know where I stand... (((((((((((((((-_-U

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-12-18 19:44 ID:N2C6mXVY

Uh... what do you expect? If you like something, you like it. Don't allow the expectations of other people who are bothered by such a trivial thing to affect your happiness.

But chances are while your family and friends think your choices are different, they don't mind. A lot of my friends have quirks about them, but they're still my friends. That's just their thing, you know? If everybody liked the same things the world would be bloody boring.

Storm in a teacup. Stop worrying about something that nobody else actually cares about. It's all in your head. There's nothing wrong with liking people who share your interests.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-12-19 00:57 ID:Heaven

There's nothing wrong with it in itself exactly, everyone has a type but if it gets very specific it might start to become a problem when you actually want to date and get in a relationship.
Have you met irl people that fit your tastes? that you would date?

I used to be sort of similar but as I matured I've noticed there are all sorts of people I find attractive and interesting, I still gravitate towards a certain kind of person but that 'kind' is a lot broader than it used to be.

The things you mentioned are all pretty superficial traits though.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-12-20 10:59 ID:Heaven

You come to a board like this, with more than its fair share of otaku and socially inept guys, to ask a question like that.
I know you're 16 and going through identity crisis and all, but seriously?

I think it's internet cookies you want, not feedback.

5 Name: Doods : 2009-12-21 06:20 ID:xIbTOnmX

Hey OP. First off, I fit most of your checklist XD... Kidding and that aside. << 3 has a point. My ex was exactly or at least the same as you described yourself. At first the relationship was awesome. Then as we got more serious, that's when shit happens. I craved a little more maturity from her, as in being more socially appropriate and outgoing etc. She (due to her living in a fantasy like state) couldn't really pry herself from her hobbies to try new things and meet new people outside her preferences. I'm not saying don't go for the geek, but keep your options open. Like attracts like is true, but like and like don't necessarily stay together...

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-01-27 18:06 ID:OEw58p6B

nothing wrong with that...
exaxctly my kind of moe xp

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-01-28 05:17 ID:PuRok9hY

It's fine. Just don't be like my first ex who preyed exclusively on otaku, geeks, and those leaning towards Asperger's just to make herself feel good about the easy pickings.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-01-29 04:01 ID:Heaven


What's wrong with you fucking freak?

You know what? You ARE weird for liking geeks. You're sick.

Get the fuck off this website nobody wants a fucking weirdo like you around.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-01-29 06:10 ID:mYdN2zsg


Mmm, I love dirty talk...

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-01-29 07:55 ID:bime6cMI



11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-02-07 04:02 ID:dgmpJlsZ

anyone who fits that description, ping! me @ aoiharu.

no life-er

12 Name: Koru : 2010-02-07 04:24 ID:dSguXpjW

well liking geeks is not a bad thing. but u have to accept them for who they are. I mean the no life, live on the net, up skirt moe, drooling guys. Well they're not all like that, but some are. Some are anti social and some aren't. If u do get in a relationship with one, try not to change him too much. Some otakus are proud of who they are, and if they find out they have change because of you, then who knows what will happen, he might like it, or go to a total meltdown. On the road to love....well it's like a foggy road that leads to who knows what....some make it through and some don' i hope u have a map....good luck ^- ^

13 Name: 徐嘉豪 : 2010-02-07 19:58 ID:IxmaT6A0

Atashi-sama, don't listen to what others say. The kind of person you like is your personal decision and nobody should have to make such decisions for you based on their opinions.

So if some random person came up to you and told you to fall in love with a random hobo guy on the street, would you?

Let your own opinions influence your romance turn-ons and turn-offs. It's ok to like an otaku!

14 Name: 43 : 2010-02-07 20:54 ID:Heaven


Troll post

vc: unwore

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-02-10 02:20 ID:byT0px14

wana date me baby? :)

16 Name: 徐-서 : 2010-02-10 23:57 ID:Heaven


(Good luck)

17 Name: Anon : 2010-02-26 17:38 ID:246Z3KpH

I really feel for you, and I'd just like to say: don't let other people make you feel inept or weird. Everyone has different tastes; a lot of people say this, but most don't realize how far those tastes can extend.

Personally, I have pretty damn strange taste too...and despite giving you this advice, I certainly can't seem to follow it myself. I have a thing for tomboys...short, with short hair, and glasses++++ . Geeky, awkward, clumsy? <3~ Button-up shirt and beat up jeans? Sexier than a V-cut dress on any day.

The amount of teasing I've received over this was downright traumatizing...I've even been called a fag for it. All I can say is, stand up for yourself. You're choosing your own prospective mate, not theirs. You're the one who has to live with your choice, not them.

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