Uncomfortable Friendships (19)

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-01-16 17:40 ID:U/IOcGL2

I didn't understand the references to "the XKCD post" at first, turns out they were talking about this one http://xkcd.com/558/
Jesus Christ, I can't believe that comic had such effect. Randall Munroe is probably one of the most feminist men...
This is what's wrong with out society: intolerance to the extreme.
Everything must have a hidden dark meaning. A joke that involves a sex reference? Insulting to women! Highly inappropriate!
This has nothing to do with Schrödingers Rapist anymore. I acknowledge and respect that women don't have it easy, and I totally understand why a woman would be afraid of a stranger.
I never initiate a conversation with a woman (or a man, now that I think of it) I don't know, because I know I'll probably just creep them out and be a bother.
However, what some of the commentators on the article you linked to were writing was... completely over the top.

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