I don't know if I love him anymore, whatever that word means. (12)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-05-29 16:28 ID:h0hCak6O

Hello, /love/. That says, it feels almost wrong to post here, because my problem is not about love, but a lack of it.

Ever since the start of this year, I've noticed my enthusiasm for my boyfriend decreasing. It used to be that I couldn't get enough of him, but now I am growing increasingly complacent with his absence (he's been in another city since the start of May), and even dread going through the trouble of traveling to see him. On the surface, I'm still affectionate, still sign my messages with "<3", and laugh at his jokes, but there is a hollowness that hasn't been there before.

I've been doing this for the sake of consistency - and because he hasn't done anything wrong - and because I was hoping that my feelings for him would recover. Just last week, when we had an argument online, I was on the brink of revealing that I felt nothing for him anymore-- I only mentioned vaguely that I felt "empty", but he was visibly upset. At that moment, I felt like I'd been stabbed in the chest, and the pain stayed with me the entire night. I don't feel like we're right for each other, but the thought of hurting him causes me physical distress, and ultimately I still want him to be happy.

I've thought of requesting that we take a break in a few months. The message there would be obvious, but I feel like it would be less severe than a break-up. And who know-- maybe absence will make the heart grow fonder.

What's your take on this situation, /love/? I don't know what to make of my own feelings anymore.

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