I don't know if I love him anymore, whatever that word means. (12)

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-05-29 21:57 ID:7th4edHf

Hey there, I'm having almost the exact same situation with my girlfriend. After numerous arguments and the passing of time, I just feel so jaded and can't muster the same enthusiasm as I used to.

For me, I'm beginning to feel like its a chore to keep texting and calling her, and I'm only doing it because I won't want her to start a fight because I'm not making an effort. It used to be that I'd get annoyed if she took hours to reply to a text, but I don't care now.

I used to get very emotionally involved in our arguments but now I'm just so jaded that I just want any fights to be over as quickly as possible... like you said, 'empty'.

Even when we go out and everything is fine, I am no longer enjoying it as much as I did before. What seemed cute about her in the past now annoys me, and I keep seeing more and more faults about her.

I don't know about a break. I believe if you even brought it up it would result in a huge argument/him pleading for you not to go ahead with it.

Let me know how things go with you, and all the best!

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