I don't know what's wrong with me (12)

1 Name: Teresa : 2011-09-19 09:05 ID:3EB3TJFR

I'm sorry if my post doesn't belong to this but I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with me.

I go to this gaming forum for years and I met someone there. However, he quit and few years later, we met again (a month ago). He added me on msn and we started to talk a lot.

For several days, we would just keep talking about anything for hours and ended up sleeping so late (I would end up sleeping pass 4 am but him pass 7--- we live in different countries, I live in Canada and he lives in the US). I guess our convo was pretty flirty but we would joke a lot like if someone says, "brb" and then comes back, the other one will say, "I hope you didn't miss me too much" and the reply back will either, "In your dreams" (his line) or "You wish" (my line). I think it was the first time that I felt really happy to talk to someone (my mom actually went in my room one time and I was laughing to myself while talking to him and my mom asked me if I was crazy lol). Anyways, I guess you can say our convo was fun (for me.. I guess for him too). He called me interesting and easy to talk too. Whenever I told him to go to sleep, he would say "but I don't want to sleep yet, this convo is really interesting. I haven't had this type of convo in a long time".

But lately, we started to talk less and less. Sometimes he doesn't say hi to me like before so pretty much the only way I could talk to him was for me to say hi to him first. I think it was on Thursday that he told me he was seeing someone (out of the blue) and I told him that it's a great news. But then on Friday when I said, hi to him, he pretty much ignored me for a whole day so when he msg me, I had two choices: Talk to him or ignore him. I chose to ignore him so for a whole day I ignored him to get back at him. After I got even with him, we started to talk again but then our convo wasn't as interested. I felt like I was bugging him. It was just different and it was weird how he told me he was going to sleep at 11 but kept his status available on msn until pass 12 (I sent him a msg saying, "I thought you were sleeping" and then shortly after that, he signs off).

I don't know if that's his way of telling me to leave him alone but I was sad.. I don't know why.. I don't know what's wrong with me. What do I do? Should I start ignoring him?


So more info (I don't know if it's relevant):

He actually haven't seen a picture of me. I usually don't send my picture to anyone nor do I take photos of myself 24/7. I think there was one time we were talking about how guys look hot in suits and then he sends me a screenie of him in a suit. I told him I wasn't going to look at it (Okay I lied, I did look at it because my curiosity got ahead of me). He wasn't really my taste but I ignore that and just continued talking to him because it was really fun. I also told him clearly that I don't do online dating and that it was weird for me.

We had a convo last week that involved food. I was telling him how my day was and how my friend and I were thinking of going to mcdonalds for lunch but ended up eating pizza. The weirdest thing was, he told me he was just thinking of eating mcdonalds but also ended up eating pizza. I thought it was really weird.. but interesting. I jokingly told him to stop stalking him lol

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-20 02:20 ID:hlJRRHCe

no beef one2 one2 for me?

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-20 06:23 ID:hZkbzGwf

I think you like him in a way.

After reading your post. I suggest to continue chatting with him. don't think that his not your type or something like that. Despite the circumstances that your both far away to each other.You'd enjoy his company and your happy talking with him. That's the most important thing.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-20 16:29 ID:hlJRRHCe

i know.
how i think about his poodick like that!!

too pretty 4 u.
too much dick 4 dick 4 u.
too do a lot love 4 your.dick.
too cool for me.
too smart 4 me.
i love u,so much.
and i love you.
ever and forever.

too hot yo.

i love you so much.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-21 02:47 ID:hlJRRHCe

well i was drinking last night.

sorry but

i still love you.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-22 18:22 ID:FBNK9D6t

Looks like for whatever reason he's losing interest in you, or is not as available as before. He did mention he had met someone, right?

All in all, it seems you are more invested in the exchange than he is. That's unpleasant for you, but is a reminder that you should readjust your expectations on this issue, and perhaps even reduce communication, if the whole thing pains you too much.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-23 01:01 ID:hlJRRHCe

bye good luck 4u too.

8 Name: Teresa : 2011-09-23 06:31 ID:3EB3TJFR

I still continued talking to him. Last night, he told me that the girl will confess to him soon (he says in a week or two). He told me that he really likes her too but the reason they aren't exclusive yet is because he is waiting for her to confess..

To be honest, when I read that, I stopped studying and doing homework. I guess for a short time, my head got so messed up. I told him, "Congrats" but it's weird... it felt like it wasn't really sincere (this whole thing is just so.... new to me.. I never felt like that before). I even told him to confess to her first--- don't ask why I said this.. because I don't know either, just came out lol

I just don't know... if I should really keep talking to him. I already feel too attached (which has never happened to me before). I'm usually never online on my msn but since I started talking to him, I'm pretty much online everyday (even if I'm studying, I just leave my msn on). It's so sad that I have become like this.

I don't know this feeling.. perhaps it's jealousy.. perhaps, it's something else? I don't know :(

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-25 03:45 ID:hlJRRHCe


i just love you.
dont worry about some people.
u just confused.
we should be together.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-26 02:32 ID:hlJRRHCe

i miss you

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-26 06:20 ID:hlJRRHCe

see u forever sir

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-10-05 23:18 ID:hlJRRHCe

im sorry.

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