-Death Note- (165)

1 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-13 07:12 ID:MJmuNOWg [Del]

Discussion of Takeshi Obata and Tsugumi Ohba's suspensful Jump comic. Story of a boy who comes across the note with the power to kill who ever's name is written in it.

Official site:


Please mark spoilers past the scanlations. If you are not up to date, beware of this thread, it will contain spoilers. Spoilers from the raws are allowed with warnings.

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-11-13 13:17 ID:Z9o+Z/Tw [Del]

It should be incredibly dumb, but it is oddly captivating.

Although, the latest plot twist seems a bit of a stretch, but I guess it's too early to pass judgement on that yet.

3 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-14 04:52 ID:2ce5PZ3A [Del]

If L had found the death note instead of Raito, how do you think the story would have developed?

The story does start to suck around where the scanslations are right now, but it's starting to pick up again (at chapter 46)

4 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-18 04:30 ID:PWqBWI+g [Del]

I think, if L had found the note, he would have also used it to punish criminals as Raito did. And I bet the ones trying to track him down would be Raito working along with his father! I bet L would be harder to catch, though.

Also, any Misa fans here?

5 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-21 17:47 ID:CWhzlVFw [Del]

Anyone read the raws? I want to talk about ch 47... (´ー`)

6 Name: Random Manga Otaku 2004-12-01 20:00 ID:Zk0V9IxQ [Del]

Did anyone guess correctly for who Kira was? I thought it was the baldy... orz

What about Rem being female? I was surprised, I mean, I guess she does look a little feminine, but Ryuku wears lipstick too! I didn't even know Shinigami had genders.. I always assumed that when Ryuku had said those who use the deathnote don't go to heaven or hell meant that death note users become Shinigami when they die, and that's how new Shinigami are made... But then I guess they could still have genders from their previous lives as humans~

7 Name: Random Manga Otaku 2004-12-11 01:21 ID:G8LoOIZA [Del]

Deathnote Gameキタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!

.... Well not really, but seems at least Raito and Ryuku will be included in the upcoming DS Jump fighting game!

Looking at the game screen, the charas names are not written at their life lines! (´∀`)

8 Name: !KIRA/DnCJs 05/02/09(Wed)06:48 ID:zcxumB7B

Everyone has gone.......?

9 Name: Random Manga Otaku 05/02/10(Thu)12:28 ID:Heaven

The recent chapters (53 onwards) have been pretty interesting. Woo~

10 Name: !KIRA/DnCJs 05/02/11(Fri)10:53 ID:MqxUeqPX

Ive read to 57.

11 Name: m_t 05/02/14(Mon)18:58 ID:6zZB/1ER

How do i get tripcode like that

13 Name: Random Manga Otaku 05/02/18(Fri)02:58 ID:dKVfv0XY

58............... who read it.

14 Name: !KIRA/DnCJs 05/02/20(Sun)12:13 ID:0lkuWumP

im going to read 59 tomorrow.

15 Name: Random Manga Otaku 05/02/21(Mon)02:40 ID:D8LxqWMn

How are you gonna get 59 that early???

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