ITT We Complain About How Manga are Way Overpriced in the US (77)

22 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-09-19 13:47 ID:5ooRYKpo

What really suprises me is how when they're hard cover over here(not sure if this happens in japan), they'e a lot cheaper. I saw Akira volume 1 in hardcover for like 15 bucks in Barnes & Nobles, while the original sells for 25. Trigun is also cheaper by a couple of dollars. This confuses me to no end. As to everything else, the logical sense would be the translators, but I think the companies also have something to do with it. Viz sells for 7.95, Tokyopop for 9.99, and Del Rey for 10.95 (Drak Horse is usually 12.95 and up). These are all estimations are some are cheaper or more expensive, but generally it's this price. Does anyone else notice this and have any ideas as to why the differences in prices?

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