Fav Romance Manga (73)

36 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-04-29 03:38 ID:FZRgdaUS

I wanna first thank you all for the contribution so far. I'm planning to show my gf this thread later, and she'll go nuts to research all these titles. So far, she's reading Love Hina, but she says she might jump into Shoujo like Kare Kano eventually.

By the way, I finished reading IO and Kare First Love...IO was CONFUSING and the ending was just bad...and Kare First Love kind of died out in the end.

In other words, I didn't like either one.

The next few romance manga I will read are:
* Parallel (A MUST READ!!)
* Ai-Ren
* Kimagure Orange Road (currently finishing)

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