Fav Romance Manga (73)

39 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-05-02 08:06 ID:Oq+xTXQi

I READ AND WATCHED Socrates in Love...the novel, the manga, and the movie. I haven't watched the TV series, but I have a feeling it won't be as great as the movie. The movie made me and my girlfriend CRY!! I'm sorry...I'm a guy, but sometimes, there are things like this that people can't resist a tragedy such like this.

I'm currently downloading "Hoshi no Koe" (a.k.a. Voices of a Distant Star)...I wonder if the manga will be more dramatic and heart-wrenching than the original anime.

As for Saishuu Heiki Kanojo, I think that will be hard to get at first. Looking it up at Borders and B&N is hard enough to find (it's available, but probably to a limit). Either I have to buy all 7 volumes or d/l the original (try to carefully read the Kana).

Manga library is building up...i'm happy!!

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